I don't know right now. I am gainfully and happily employed by a subsidiary of the Dow Chemical company.
For those that don't follow the financial news, it was announced today via the press that Dow and DuPont are near the end of merger talks. There have been rumours circulating all summer, but the press makes it seem very real and that an announcement could come any day. There have been no direct announcement to employees, just talk of "exploring opportunities". I have no reason to doubt that the merger will happen except through government intervention.
These two companies have more than 100,000 employees between them. I figure if the merger goes through, about half of us will be looking for jobs. That only makes sense as these companies do a lot of the same stuff. I also figure, if the merger does happen, it will be at least two years before they actually start combining operations. Unfortunately, the job market is bad right now in my sector (ag) because of poor commodity prices. Farmers are buckling down. By extension, that means our industry is, too.
There are a lot of benefits to the merger from a business standpoint. Those that keep jobs will be working for a powerhouse in the chemical and seeds business. I have always had above average appraisals. I used to work for Pioneer Hi-Bred (DuPont) and have 18 years between the two companies. I'm crossing my fingers that those things will give me an edge, but I can't help but feel bad for my many friends in both companies that may not make it through a merger. The reality is, I don't know that I would make it through. There is far too much overlap in the businesses.
I wish I could be excited about this news. It was a great day for my 401(k). It's a terrible day for my morale. Uncertainty is not comfortable. I'd appreciate some positive thoughts over the next few months. A lot of people are about to loose their jobs.
Anyhow, just wanted to get a little off my chest.
For those that don't follow the financial news, it was announced today via the press that Dow and DuPont are near the end of merger talks. There have been rumours circulating all summer, but the press makes it seem very real and that an announcement could come any day. There have been no direct announcement to employees, just talk of "exploring opportunities". I have no reason to doubt that the merger will happen except through government intervention.
These two companies have more than 100,000 employees between them. I figure if the merger goes through, about half of us will be looking for jobs. That only makes sense as these companies do a lot of the same stuff. I also figure, if the merger does happen, it will be at least two years before they actually start combining operations. Unfortunately, the job market is bad right now in my sector (ag) because of poor commodity prices. Farmers are buckling down. By extension, that means our industry is, too.
There are a lot of benefits to the merger from a business standpoint. Those that keep jobs will be working for a powerhouse in the chemical and seeds business. I have always had above average appraisals. I used to work for Pioneer Hi-Bred (DuPont) and have 18 years between the two companies. I'm crossing my fingers that those things will give me an edge, but I can't help but feel bad for my many friends in both companies that may not make it through a merger. The reality is, I don't know that I would make it through. There is far too much overlap in the businesses.
I wish I could be excited about this news. It was a great day for my 401(k). It's a terrible day for my morale. Uncertainty is not comfortable. I'd appreciate some positive thoughts over the next few months. A lot of people are about to loose their jobs.
Anyhow, just wanted to get a little off my chest.