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What took me so long?

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Dec 22, 2010
So I've been smoking cigars for 4+ years...and I like to smoke a nice variety of cigars. For what ever reason, I recall looking at the Liga Privada #9 about 2 years ago and that big dark cigar just put the fear in me! A friend of mine smoked a couple and they kicked his a$$....

So....fast forward to 2013....for some reason I decide that I wanna try a #9...probably because so many of you brothers just love Liga Privada....and your daily smoke pics fit a lot of what I smoke. I really enjoyed it! I've had several since. They were all good. I've picked up a couple of tins of Papas Fritas and I love those little guys.

Many of you said...."try an aged T-52...That's the smoke!"

A friend of mine gave me an aged one...1.5 to 2 years in the box. Tomorrow is my wife's birthday, so I decided to smoke something special tonight.

This cigar is very good. It has some bite, so I will have to pace myself or it will kick my A$$! But I like it.

What was I thinking????? :crosseyed Thanks for the encouragement guys! :skew:

I'll have to make a stop at Corona's to pick up a few more and put them away in my wineador to season for a bit.

Cheers! :ccool:

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Aug 12, 2012
Like the T52 but I have not had an aged one. Might have to pick up a couple just to sit.