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Why do maduro/dark wrappers do this with me?

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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
Absolutely every one of the Partagas Black Labels i've smoked and now a Jamie Garcia Reserva Especial that i'm smoking now, the wrapper starts to "bubble", causing it to seperate from the binder (?) resulting in it not burning. Which leads to touch-ups. Which invariably leads to an early death of the cigar.

I'm not smoking these any different than a connecticut wrapped cigar, which smoke fine. What gives? Are these wrappers more heat sensitive due to being more oily?


Moose with a stick!
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Oct 6, 2011
Clarkston, Michigan
I think 70% might be a bit high, I run mine at 63-64%. I have had some wet wrappers do the same thing to me, but lets see what others suggest. I am still a newbe in this.


BoM January 08
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Dec 5, 2006
Shrewsbury, Ma
Absolutely every one of the Partagas Black Labels i've smoked and now a Jamie Garcia Reserva Especial that i'm smoking now, the wrapper starts to "bubble", causing it to seperate from the binder (?) resulting in it not burning. Which leads to touch-ups. Which invariably leads to an early death of the cigar.

I'm not smoking these any different than a connecticut wrapped cigar, which smoke fine. What gives? Are these wrappers more heat sensitive due to being more oily?
70% and no cello for a couple days.
I really don't think the celo makes a difference.

I would lower your Humidity, also what is your temp at. And what do you use for humidification? Also as another said calibrate your hydromitor.

I keep mine at 60ish on humidity and my temp runs in the low 60's. From what you say it does seem like they are a little too wet. Good luck and keep us posted.
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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
I really don't think the celo makes a difference.

I would lower your Humidity, also what is your temp at. And what do you use for humidification? Also as another said calibrate your hydromitor.

I keep mine at 60ish on humidity and my temp runs in the low 60's. From what you say it does seem like they are a little too wet. Good luck and keep us posted.
Temp is 72. For humidification I use the Xixar (spelling ?) 70% liquid with the pre-made gel "thingy" LOL. I would think I'd have this problem with my other cigars as well though?
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Dec 20, 2010
I store long term at 70 RH and pull the smokes out a week or so out on the counter in cello (if there is any) before smoking. Seems to work ok. If I pull one out of the coolers and do not dry them a bit before smoking, especially the maduros, I get the same burn problems on most smokes.

Just my experience.



BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
My experience with rH issues are as follows:

CCs, thin-ring cigars in general, and maduros in general tend to be more susceptible to burn problems at higher rHs. I have found that switching to 65% rH (or even lower for CCs and lanceros) has fixed most of these burn issues for me personally. If I smoke a plugged cigar now or one that doesn't burn right (assuming I've let it sit for a while and am not smoking it ROTT, which I usually don't), I chalk it up to construction issues.

I've probably had a dozen Jaime Garcias and haven't had a bum stick yet, not that it doesn't happen to any cigar on occasion, of course.

Oh, and just FYI, in my experience a 1-2 day "dry box" period doesn't compensate for a wet cigar. A longer period at 65% or so works much better, for me anyway. If your ambient rH--i.e. the rH in your house--is good (like 60%-ish), then maybe letting them sit out for a week or so would work, I'm not sure. But in general, it takes quite a while for cigars to gain or shed that excess humidity.

My recommendation would be to experiment a little and see what works best for you.
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Aug 1, 2011
Trophy Club, Tx.
Thanks guys! I think I've come up with the solution! Taking your answers into consideration, the consensus is that the maduros need a lower RH. Given that, and the fact that my humidor currently is at 70%, the only acceptable solution would be to get ANOTHER humidor and have this one at 65'ish%! Problem solved! LMAO!


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
That's just what I'd recommend :) And remember, an $8 tupperware bin from Target will work just as well as an expensive humidor :wink:
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Sep 23, 2009
In addition to the high humidity issues others have mentioned slightly under fermented capa can also cause a "bubble line", particularly in thicker leaf varietals.

I am not saying this is the case with the cigars mentioned, I have no clue. I am just adding this tidbit for the educational benefit.

Steve Saka
Prez, Drew Estate


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Aug 5, 2009
Hattiesburg, MS
Thanks guys! I think I've come up with the solution! Taking your answers into consideration, the consensus is that the maduros need a lower RH. Given that, and the fact that my humidor currently is at 70%, the only acceptable solution would be to get ANOTHER humidor and have this one at 65'ish%! Problem solved! LMAO!
Why don't you keep them all around 65%? I don't see why you would want to keep them at 70.

That's just what I'd recommend :) And remember, an $8 tupperware bin from Target will work just as well as an expensive humidor :wink:


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Jun 26, 2008
Mansfield, Tx
storing at ~72 degrees you're probably safer to store them at a lower RH anyway. Absolutely no need to have the smokes at 70%, and I bet you would find that if you stored them ALL between 65-67% that they ALL would smoke better (no plugging, wrapper issues, need for touchups, etc etc).


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
I keep my cigars at 65% using Heartfelt beads and I've never had this problem. I'd suggest trying the same. Enjoy!
This is what I use as well. It's pretty much spot on 100% of the time. Some cigars just take in more humidity than others so you'll still see some differences however not to the extream. Sometimes the change in the season causes alot of this to happen as well.