You know I can sympathize with parents who have younger children and don't want to have to explain things during the earlier hours of the evening. But that goes for pharmaceutical companies also. "Daddy, why does that old man need Viagra to make his wife happy?", or "Is a yeast infection something about baking?", and "What are heavy flow days?" However, after 9:00 pm the little yard apes should be in bed, and trying to regulate what adults can watch at early morning hours is just stupid. Thank goodness that this guy is a State senator pandering to some of the bible thumpers. Don't get me wrong, I attend worship service on a regular basis and don't really care to watch this with my family members. At some point in time politicians will realize that no one can legislate morality. Everytime it has been tried, the reprocussions were worse than the original offense.
I now yield my soapbox to the next available crank w/ axe to grind.