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what causes tar?

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Jun 13, 2011
Surprise, AZ
I tried searching the threads but tar is too short of a word. I've gone over 2 years without having a single issue (lucky I guess). Now I got tar 3 times in the last couple weeks. 2 weeks ago on a EPC Maduro, Last night Tat Black PL, and tonight Tat TAA. Each time I just cut down a little past the cap and problem solved, but it still tastes like sh*t. I keep my cigars in a wine cooler 65% - 70 degrees. I just want to know where it comes from???
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Only answer i found was an 3yr old post on stogiereview. below is an answer that he recieved from a cigar manufactuer which he kept annonmous.

“This grotesque syrup is somewhat of an enigma. We assume that it is sap left inside the stem of the leaf which doesn’t evaporate during fermentation. It is extremely rare, but by far one of the most pungent and foul substances of the world. It has been my experience that cutting below the ooze usually ends the matter.”

So seems not even the experts know. In my experience smoking to fast can cause the propblem. that's all i got, maybe the FOG's have better idea.