Been reading all the UC threads on various boards.. here are a few comments:
- the concept that it is a "poor man's LP" is not our words, we never said it was an inexpensive cigar, nor did we set out to make an inexpensive cigar. UC is priced in direct relation to its cost to manufacture, which turns out to be less expensive than Liga Privada - doesn't make it better or worse - it just is what it is. Some people will feel like it is a great price, others will feel it is fair and others we feel like we are robbing their grandmother. <snicker> The only way to judge a cigar in relation to its price is whether -you- feel it delivers a good value - does it provide flavors and experience you are happy exchanging $$$ for... this is the case for ALL cigars imo because all of us have different size wallets and different judgements as to what is a good value... 25 years ago I could have never imagined spending over a buck for any cigar, but at the time I earned about $925 a month.
- IMO right now is about the WORST time to try any Nicaraguan made cigar as a new release - we have endured punishing rains in NICA, the humidity is off the chart and is uncontrollable - all of the cigars coming from the country in the last 30 days or so are too moist IMO - I would strongly encourage everyone to dry box Undercrowns for a couple of weeks or afford them a couple of months rest in the humidor before making a judgement. Some are perfect, but some are not due to this moisture level. I feel this way about all cigars coming from NICA right now - it is just too damn wet down here.
Now on the flavor comparison issues... here is a repost I something I wrote elsewhere:
The LP No. 9, the LP T52 and the Undercrown are three independent blends - all have different fillers recipes and all three have different wrappers.
Short synopsis:
Q: What is the difference in flavor between the LP No. and T52 and Undercrown.
A: Imo, the No. 9 is more earthy, lusher in body with strong backnotes of espresso and finishes naturally sweeter. This sweetness is a common trait of all good Connecticut Broadleaf. The T52 on the other hand is more peppery with strong notes of leather with a leaner, spicier finish. The Undercrown is closer to the No. 9 in flavor, but with even more natural sweetness and brightness to the flavor - it is creamier in profile.
Of course taste is subjective, so you may characterize all the blends different, however there is little doubt once you have smoked all three they truly are independent blends.
Q: Which is stronger, the LP No. 9 or T52 or the Undercrown?
A: First off, which of the two LP blends is stronger seems to be a hotly debated issue, it seems about 50% of consumers consider each of the two to be the stronger – it is weird, I am use to consumer’s opinions on how strong vs. mild a cigar is to different, but I have never seen any two blends split so 50/50 on this issue. Imo, the T52 is the stronger of the two. First off, I have the benefit of having smoked all of both blends’ individual leaves separately, so I am confident that the ingredients themselves are stronger in the T52. Secondly, I know I can smoke a No. 9 from initial light to nub with rarely pulling it from my mouth, while I find it necessary to pull the T52 every 10 minutes or so out of my yap due to it potency.
The Undercrown however I think most people will agree it is milder than the other two... imo, it is a touch stronger than medium in body... maybe a 6.5 on a 10 point strength scale.
Everything about cigars is subjective - one man's dream cigar is another's dog rocket.
I know most people will compare UC to the No. 9 and T52, but imo they really should be judged on their own merit in the grand spectrum of all the blends in the marketplace. I suspect just as some folks prefer the 9 over the T52 and vice versa the same will be the case with the Undercrown. I can see how someone would love the UC, but find the LPs overpowering and I can also see how some folks might find the UC does not deliver enough octane to suit their fancy.
Some folks will love all three like myself (I am kinda biased though ;>) while other folks will say none are for me... and this OK.
As I have said a hundred times before: "As a blender if you make a cigar that everyone likes, then you have made a cigar nobody loves..."
Hope this helps,
Steve Saka
President, Drew Estate