I know people get very passionate about this subject and CRA has amassed a vocal following and the idea that you're not passionate about cigars and individual liberties if you're not a member........ but I'm in the same camp, Matt.
I haven't seen CRA accomplish much. Their members tout stories like the federal court case win against more intrusive tobacco labeling... but that was because Altadis sued the FDA. They talk about SCHIP, but lost that battle... and reduction in taxes attached to SCHIP had little or nothing to do with CRA's meager existence at the time. S. 1461 and H.R. 1639 were started by IPCPR and not CRA... and haven't actually gone anywhere yet, if they ever make it out of committee.
Now, I WILL grant that CRA did indeed jump on and call for support for S. 1461 and H.R. 1639... they DID at least START the process of forming a consumer advocacy group behind cigars when the SCHIP stuff popped up... they DO maybe at least bring some government infringement issues into the minds of cigar smokers who maybe wouldn't have heard about them. For that, they are certainly to be commended.
I just still dunno... right now, I just think my time and money is better spent in writing letters and meeting with my Congressman to chat about the issue. I'd like to see BOTLs write personal letters to Congress about S. 1461 and H.R. 1639 now that IPCPR found a couple Congressmen to sponsor them. I'm still holding out on throwing my money at a group I know far too little about (and have heard rumors of partisanship) that hasn't accomplished anything besides a website that points to news stories where others have accomplished things they support.
I know... I'm prepared for the PMs telling me I'm a terrible human being and must not be a true cigar lover...... but I'm also a critical thinker and not an automatic bandwagon jumper just because the cause says "cigars" on it. I'd just like CRA to explain more about what they're really doing as consumer advocates (besides attaching their logo to other people's causes and taking out magazine ads in publications that already target cigar smokers)... how much money they bring in... what exactly they spend it on (to include salaries for their execs)... etc...
I'm cynical and skeptical and just haven't seen good arguments and/or results yet. Hopefully, my feelings are proven invalid one day... and I'll jump in with a nice donation!
Cheers! :cbig: