BoM January 2010
They give you 8 characters slots ... and there are 8 classes. I'm guessing that's not accidental. I know I plan to play through all of them at some point (at least partially) just for the story aspect.Enjoyed my time on beta though there are quite a few bugs and glitches to hammer out before launch. Not sure which class to work on first since they were all so fun...
I can't decide what to start out with either. I've got a pre-launch guild with my cousin and a bunch of his army buddies in the desert, Empire side but "good" (i.e. mercenaries not serial killers, lol). I'm leaning towards a Sith Inquisitor.
I've got a copy of Windows 7 in the mail now, hopefully I'll get the Boot Camp install ready to go by the time the pre-launch opens. I'm pumped!