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Help with Cigar Health Studies...

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Apr 11, 2007
Its been a while since I've seen this discussed, although I know it has been many times.... A quick search didn't yield any help.

I'm looking for all the *health* articles / studies that have been done regarding smoking cigars that help combat the jacked up ones the antismoking people do.

Thanks in advance.
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Dec 12, 2011
Just a heads up!

You are going to have a hard time finding articles written in the scientific community that support the smoking of cigars. Most research done on smoking is university based and there arent many universities that would risk supporting the use of tobbacco products. However a better way to refine your search which may turn up more results is to search for articles that compare the effects on your health that smoking cigars has compared to cigarettes or hookah or chewing tobacco. I've written a couple papers on tobacco addiction and I will tell you right now that it can be very difficult to find articles that are not biased and are peer reviewed. Id suggest looking through a university database as a starting point.
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Nov 9, 2011
Bottom line is that because cigars are worse for you than not smoking at all, like was said above, you're going to have a hard time finding it.

The closest that I have found are several comparisons to cigar smoking vs. snuff vs. cigarettes. All of them agree that cigars are the least dangerous for you, due to the limited touch time compared with the other two and the lack of inhaling but stop way short of saying it's a "safe" alternative to the others.

Good luck, though.