There's a soft spot in my heart for 80's hair metal (Priest, Maiden, Dio, Dokken...) but Thrash is my favorite metal by far.
Love, love, love this:
Love, love, love this:
ok so for my first post, I gotta start here... I love most of the of the first bands you postedAlright love the oldschool hardcore Unity, Uniform choice, old straight edge stuff Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, Youth of Today Side By Side..AF, Sick of it all, Killing Time, Rest In Pieces, Insted, No For An Answer , but lately i've been listening to alot of Anthrax, Mercyful Fate, Slayer, Black Sabbath preferably the cd Born Again for some reason i think that is one of their best cd's Ozzy was awsome and so was Dio but Ian Gillian kicks ass on it it just sounds so damn evil ....and i forgot Pantera as well .......:devil:
Karl and Dallas do wild stuff with guitars... and Kollias, holy fugggggg... the drums...I saw Nile with Napalm Death/Dark Tranquility/Strapping Young Lad. Didn't really go to see Nile but it was a good show.
Animals as Leaders and Scale the Summit rule!!!!I actually have that Dark Tranquility album, but never actually gave it a listen. I will do so! My buddy from WA is down for a couple days and he showed me a couple amazing bands: Animals as leaders, and Scale the Summit. Both are instrumental groups, but have some awesome grooves and melodies.
Oh man... I LOVE Carcass, but am more of a Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious kind of guy than the more melodic Heartwork stuff...Carcass - Heartwork