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Thoughts about UFC on FOX?

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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Ok so we have had 2 of these and so far I'm liking what i am seeing. This is what UFC has to do to grow and evlove the sport. It's not without it's problems but so far this is what i think.

--Getting to see top talent on Network
--having more than 1 fight shown, didn't like the 1bout format of the 1st.
--Finding a good balance of being welcoming to people New to MMA and the knowledgeable fans.
--Having a 5rd non-title fight. Would love to see every fight that is for a title shot go 5 rounds on network and the PPV

--Pimping other Fox Programing. I have no problem with Movie ads(they're sponsers) but don't try to pimp ever other new fox show as well.
--Not being able to listen in on the fighters corner inbetween rounds. I know got to pay the bills so show the commercials on the undercard and leave the main event uninterrupted.
--MY BIGGEST ISSUE. Having Fighters as Analysts. OK your following the boxing playbook having a panel do pre-fight analysis, but get people who are comfortable or relaxed infront of the camera. In the 1st airing dana white was good then you had Brock who looked so damn stiff and uncomfortable. Tonight Randy was OK just needs more time working with curt Menefee so they get more comfortable with one another but Jon Jones looked stiffed and sounded rehearsed. Think Curt, Dana and Randy would make a good Trio


Formerly known as Jeeper
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Apr 12, 2007
I watched it and normally I would not. I wish I could get into the UFC a little more but it seems like there is a new pay per view every other weekend. That is a lot of money to cough up to watch the fights.

I do enjoy watching though. Hope they can keep some fights going on FOX
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Jan 15, 2011
Jersey Swamp
Getting off the PPV format and onto Network TV is the only way to mainline the sport. The second Fox show was much better than the first. 1 fight to take up an hour... Pffft.

Glad to see the Count lose the decision... NICE!


Apprentice BOTL
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Jan 26, 2012
Wenonah, NJ, USA
I think for the casual MMA fan the card would be a little boring and disappointing. I knew Maia-Weidman would be a grapple fest, and I can really dig the BJJ guy versus the wrestler. Bisping-Sonnen was a great fight, but I'm not so sure it would be appreciated by the casual fan. Expected and hoped for more fireworks, but I was satisfied. The ME was a little on the boring side, especially for the casual fan, but I think this was a nice step forward. They should broadcast a highlight show of say the top-5 fights of 2011 to draw in some more fans.

From a marketing perspective, I think a replay of Edgar-Maynard III or Rua-Henderson would draw a ton of fans to the sport, especially if it were a lead-in to Frankie Edgar's next fight, or Dan Henderson's next fight, or whatever they'd have planned for FOX in 2012. Truly great fights.
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
Getting off the PPV format and onto Network TV is the only way to mainline the sport. The second Fox show was much better than the first. 1 fight to take up an hour... Pffft.

Glad to see the Count lose the decision... NICE!
Yes they are improving and hopefully having these fights on network will lead to more diverse fighting styles in the octagon leading to more exciting matchups casue right now all fighters styles are very similar.

I think for the casual MMA fan the card would be a little boring and disappointing. I knew Maia-Weidman would be a grapple fest, and I can really dig the BJJ guy versus the wrestler. Bisping-Sonnen was a great fight, but I'm not so sure it would be appreciated by the casual fan. Expected and hoped for more fireworks, but I was satisfied. The ME was a little on the boring side, especially for the casual fan, but I think this was a nice step forward. They should broadcast a highlight show of say the top-5 fights of 2011 to draw in some more fans.

From a marketing perspective, I think a replay of Edgar-Maynard III or Rua-Henderson would draw a ton of fans to the sport, especially if it were a lead-in to Frankie Edgar's next fight, or Dan Henderson's next fight, or whatever they'd have planned for FOX in 2012. Truly great fights.
Yes wrestling/grappling not exciting per say unless you have truly high level wrestlers and grapplers but fighters rarely showcase it cause they want to put on exciting fights. Used to love when Maia went in there and made other BJJ black belts look like amatures now he wants to stand and bang.

Yes re airing past great fights sounds good but how many casual fans will tune in to a fight when they already know the outcome. I would hope to see flyweights or bantnweight in the next broadcast. I think you get much more exciting fights in the smaller weight classes.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
I love the move to free-tv for the live fights. I got sick of paying $60 to watch the fights a long time ago, and live in a small town with no bar within 20minutes that would show it. As such, I have almost no idea who's in the UFC anymore outside of the top 3-4 guys.

I'd like to see it get to the point where there are maybe 2 fight cards a month with the mid-ranked guys and then a pay per view every other month (or even once a quarter) where the title fights happen.

Much higher chance of me shelling out the cash for something like that.
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Jan 12, 2012
Santa Cruz Mtns
I've been watching the UFC in all it's various formats since it first started. Yes, that's a long time ago.

I like the fact that they are expanding to a major network like Fox but the most recent event was a bit of a dud. (IMHO)

The first fight got really bad really quick and ended up looking like two drunk guys outside a bar. The second was decent until Chael did his WWE speech at the end. He's a goofball but you can't deny his talents as a fighter. Personally I thought he could have easily lost a split decision on that fight.

The Rashad fight was a total bust.

Unfortunately for Fox, some of the more exciting fights on that card were on the undercard. They should have at least showed some highlights from the earlier fights.

If you want to see a crazy fight, tune in this week on PPV and watch Diaz vs Condit.
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
I have been watching UFC for the past 3yrs or so. Have go almost every PPV. I dont mind shelling out the cash but sometimes it gets to be alot. I am working on talking to my local B&M see if we can start getting the PPV Ill even Pay if its normal 55$ if they have to pay the commercial rates of a couple hundred guess ill be at home.

Regarding the Fights on Fox although the first one was only 1 fight it makes sense to build up some background on the fighters for the general public. I think they need to slowly work it in eventually you will start to see 5 fights on the card like they were doing on Spike.


I am the Walrus
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Jan 31, 2010
Dover, DE
I can't get into UFC. I've never been a fan of watching two people beat the hell out of each other. That includes boxing. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird.
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Jan 12, 2012
Santa Cruz Mtns
You have to get past that and appreciate the tactical chess match between two skilled fighters. Especially a couple of high level Jiu Jitsu guys moving through a ton of submission attempts with defense, etc.

However, there are several fights that do just degenerate into an entertaining slugfest so if that's not your thing then that's understandable.

I can't get into UFC. I've never been a fan of watching two people beat the hell out of each other. That includes boxing. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird.