What integrity do you speak of? To my knowledge he does not lie. Just really good at marketing. And as said before his blends are good. It is all the other junk you need to avoid.He has every right to run a business, and we have every right to bash him!
I don't hate RP for the sake of just hating the brand, I speak my mind so that others like me who are looking for a quality cigar from a brand with integrity KNOW what they are getting.
There is nothing wrong with a consumer knowing full well what it is they are spending their money on. Some smokers don't care about integrity, tradition, and honesty in a cigar brand. They just want a cigar with good taste. That's fine... I'm not bashing their taste as cigar smokers, I'm just bringing to light what I believe is a company that is a detriment to the cigar business.
As a point of context, I know numerous people who love most of Pete's stuff. But not the La Casita line. So everyone has different tastes.