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And on top of other things...

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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
I can't wrap my head around this one, at all. THIS wasn't even the prayer request I asked about. This was something else that came to my attention, yesterday. This guy is a good friend of mine...

Sedalia couple critical after shooting; husband charged
Emily Jarrett
2012-04-18 09:35:20

A Sedalia man and his estranged wife are in critical condition after police say he shot both of them Tuesday night.

According to the Sedalia Police Department, Harry J. Young, 39, was driving in the 1600 block of South Carr Avenue around 9 p.m. when he saw his wife, Kellie M. Young, 24, sitting in the driver’s seat of a vehicle with an unidentified man and two children, both reported to be under the age of 5. Reports indicate that one of the children was Harry Young’s.

“Witnesses report Young stopped his car, turned around and drove back to (Kellie’s) vehicle,” said Cmdr. David Woolery.

“He then got out of the car and fired a gun into her car, hitting her arm and upper torso. Young then tried to shoot the male victim in the car, but he was able to flee the scene on foot.”

Woolery said that after the man fled, Harry Young then returned to his vehicle and was attempting to drive away when he was stopped by a Sedalia police officer.

“As the officer was giving him verbal commands, Young shot himself in the head,” Woolery said.

Harry and Kellie Young were both taken by helicopter to University Hospital in Columbia for their injuries. The two children in the car were unharmed and placed in the care of family members.

Young has been charged with assault and armed criminal action. His bond has been set at $250,000.


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Jan 5, 2010
Vancouver WA
Man...that's a horrible story Frank.

Feel bad for all involved obviously....but couldn't stop thinking about the kids in the car the whole time I was reading that. Awful experience doesn't even begin to sum that one up.


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Oct 20, 2011
Wow that is horrible. Sorry for everyone involved, and those poor kids. Christ.


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Holy frak, Frank! What a terrible story. I feel bad for everyone, of course, but also you since you're friends with them. Sorry life is crapping on you so much lately, bro!


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Praying for these children and mother. This is so disturbing. Thank God the children were not physically injured but the emotional scars are never going to heal. Frank, keep us posted on this please. Thank you.
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Jun 24, 2009
Joplin MO
Strange update...

As of like Saturday, everyone thought he was going to be braindead, etc. Anway, they let off his sedation a bit... and as of yesterday, he was walking a bit, even acknowledged his son enough to kiss his hand. No ventilator. he follows some verbal commands, but not totally coherent. I guess they are going to try to surgically fix his eyeball, but may remove it. They said he is following short commands more coherently, but still not answering yes or no questions.

I don't know how to feel about this update, honestly. I mean, sure if he heals, that seems like it would be great... but probably facing most if not all of his life in prison. Quite a mix of emotions. And I was wondering... (and NOT wanting to start a debate, just a weird observation/wondering)... is law enforcement paying his medical bills, now? Since they charged him, and he's got a bond against him? Weird... I dunno what to think about any of it, still.


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
Not sure why the state would pay his medical bills... the police didn't shoot him, he shot himself right?

Sorry you have to go through this Frank, definitely mixed emotions probably.
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Jan 18, 2012
Long Island
Whether or not his medical bills are being paid for depend on a whole bunch of different factors. Mostly local laws and regulations regarding the issue. I work in a law office that specializes in medical collections, and if this happened in NY I do not think his medical bills would be paid for. I've also never come across a scenario like this either in my 14 years on the job.

Here in NY, if you get hurt while in police custody the county will pay your medical bills. But with the wound being self-inflicted, and not knowing what is defined as police custody etc etc makes the question hard to answer.


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Jan 5, 2010
Vancouver WA
no clue on the medical bills....

But this guy shot his wife (I assume the sons mother, right?), with kids sitting in the car. Not sure what his son is doing in the ER? That blows my mind a bit actually.

I know he's your buddy Frank, but having a hard time feeling sorry for him....nor do I think anyone should.

He made a bad choice (huge understatement). Hoping he recovers of course, but he'll deserve whatever time he gets, and then some.


Young & Eager
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Apr 21, 2011
Charlotte, NC
That's a tough situation. Not knowing the full story or the background of anyone involved, I could see it happening. If someone was married to their wife, found her with another man, didn't see a reason to live anymore, and I had a gun on hand...why not? Sounds morbid but I couldn't imagine what it feels like to see your spouse with someone else. Who knows what the marriage was like before that went down...