The biggest problem I am having so far is that certain reps don't want to come out if the B&M in the area doesn't carry the cigar. The reps want the number to the cigar shop to try to sell them on their product and they want to mention us as a way for them to peak the B&M's interest. This is a no go because we have a good shop but they can't take the chance of carrying product they may not sell and I don't want them using our name to push a agenda and aggravating our relationship with our shop. So this may be harder than I thought... If only more companies were like Drew Estate.
Let me see if I have this straight. You want the cigar reps to take time out of their schedule to come and talk about a product (and I assume give out samples) that the local B&M won't stock. Plus, you won't allow the rep to use your club as a referrence to support the demand for his product because you are affraid of him trying to get his product on the store's shelves (his agenda) because you don't want to piss off the store owner?
First of all, YOU are HIS (the store owner's) customer. What's he going to do? Get pissed and refuse service to 25-30 loyal customers? If so, he's an idiot especially considering he's in a highly competitive industry and there's always the internet to order from.
Secondly, you want the rep to support you but you won't support the rep by letting him use the club's name to show that there is demand for the product??? That's a bit one-sided, don't you think?
Third, if you won't support him and the store won't stock his cigars, where is the ROI and what is justifing the expenses the company is going to incur (travel, time, samples, etc.) if there's no chance the store will carry the product?
As a rep, I'd decline the event as well. I'm not going to take time to travel to a location and give out stuff when I don't have the support of the people asking for my help.