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Nov 20, 2009
This appears to be funded by a group called "citizens for lower taxes and and a stronger economy".Their biggest contributors are the real estate industry and various industry groups.
It appears to be an effort to discredit the science of global climate change, which at this point is only refuted by only the most poorly informed. Please, just show the evidence against from a reputable scientific journal instead of this pathetic emotional whining. Earth has been warming for thousands of years, now we are exacerbating it from our CO2 producing activities. This is not a liberal ploy it is a scientific fact. He must have missed that day in science class.
It also appears to be an effort against the EPA and environmental regulations. Wouldn't we expect this sort of thing from those who would profit ($) from the lack of regulations? These are protections that benefit the health of people and the environment. If you want to live in an unregulated country try Russia or China. These regulations allow us to have clean air and water. Do we really want to have more mercury in your food or unhealthy air in our lungs?
They also appear to promote the development of our nations oil resources, we are already doing that. Greater development of our resources will deplete them more quickly leaving us with less and the developers with more of our money, then what, rely on the middle east? We need all the energy resources we can get:eek:il, gas, wind, solar etc. The petroleum industry has led us where?
Cheap energy? The price of oil is set on the commodities exchange. It will be no cheaper if it come from here. As well the same producers who are scrambling for dwindling resource are also exporting it. It doesn't stay here. There is one thing that CAN slow the cost, use less of it.
We need to keep in mind that we are America. It is our actions that have the biggest affects. We just don't take any actions anymore. If we can listen to this kind of drivel and have it make sense then we are truly a lost country just waiting to be led by those who would squander our greatness.
"Turn off the TV, push back from the table and go outside"
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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
It appears to be an effort to discredit the science of global climate change, which at this point is only refuted by only the most poorly informed. Please, just show the evidence against from a reputable scientific journal instead of this pathetic emotional whining. Earth has been warming for thousands of years, now we are exacerbating it from our CO2 producing activities. This is not a liberal ploy it is a scientific fact. He must have missed that day in science class."
I agree the earth is getting warmer, but are humans the cause? Is there anything we can actually do to stop it? Biggest problem i have with the Climate Change crowd is that you think you can actually stop/control Global Climate Change. Earth has been through Global Climate Changes from extreme heat to ice ages long before humans arrived and will do so long after we are gone. Besides isn't it all going to end Dec. 21st?
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Oct 31, 2009
This appears to be funded by a group called "citizens for lower taxes and and a stronger economy".Their biggest contributors are the real estate industry and various industry groups.
It appears to be an effort to discredit the science of global climate change, which at this point is only refuted by only the most poorly informed. Please, just show the evidence against from a reputable scientific journal instead of this pathetic emotional whining. Earth has been warming for thousands of years, now we are exacerbating it from our CO2 producing activities. This is not a liberal ploy it is a scientific fact. He must have missed that day in science class.
It also appears to be an effort against the EPA and environmental regulations. Wouldn't we expect this sort of thing from those who would profit ($) from the lack of regulations? These are protections that benefit the health of people and the environment. If you want to live in an unregulated country try Russia or China. These regulations allow us to have clean air and water. Do we really want to have more mercury in your food or unhealthy air in our lungs?
They also appear to promote the development of our nations oil resources, we are already doing that. Greater development of our resources will deplete them more quickly leaving us with less and the developers with more of our money, then what, rely on the middle east? We need all the energy resources we can get:eek:il, gas, wind, solar etc. The petroleum industry has led us where?
Cheap energy? The price of oil is set on the commodities exchange. It will be no cheaper if it come from here. As well the same producers who are scrambling for dwindling resource are also exporting it. It doesn't stay here. There is one thing that CAN slow the cost, use less of it.
We need to keep in mind that we are America. It is our actions that have the biggest affects. We just don't take any actions anymore. If we can listen to this kind of drivel and have it make sense then we are truly a lost country just waiting to be led by those who would squander our greatness.
"Turn off the TV, push back from the table and go outside"

POTY!!!!:thumbsup: The so called entities that are destroying our country, corporate interests and lobbyists. Time to wake up, unless you're the problem.
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