thats what makes the world a great place.. the ability to completely disagree..
my thoughts are you are 100% wrong in your assessment..
do you really think the Jewish people have become desensitized to the holocost? (and yet they, as a people, are among the first to poke fun at Hitler when given a chance)..
Or think the world has forgotten what WWII was about because of satiric, ironic, or other forms of comedy related to Nazis, Hitler, or Germany in general? (both of my gradfathers and several other members of my family fought in WWII.. the last 5 generations of my familiy have all served in the military (myself included... I believe all of us have laughed at Hitler none the less.. )..
My thoughts are the clip has turned the original movie from a drama into a satire.. very much in line with "The Great Dictator"...
as a former soldier, with very strong jewish bloodlines (although not a Jew myself.. ), who has seen plenty of atrocity in this world.. (and laughed at most of it quite frankly.. cops and soldiers tend to develop a gallows humor...)..
My thoughts are you should lighten up..
Im reasonably sure the vast majority of us here dont need a history lesson.. or to be preached to about our values..
(again.. great world we live in.. you dont have to agree with me.. nor do I have to agree with you..)...