Im not using the razr specifically...
But I do use both a droid, and an iPhone. My recommendations are the iPhone. Reason why, is 8 billion people also use the iPhone. Theres more apps. its less buggy (at times, lol), also more features regarding apple tv's and such.
Issues with android devices IMO, are that nothing is the same.... Theres no Universal anything... One HTC phone is completely different that the next HTC phone. Same can be said about samsung etc.
iOS devices are the same across the board. iPad, iPhone, iPod, etc. Soooooooo easy....
Last suggestion is that I would wait a few more weeks or whatever. They should be releasing/announcing the iPhone 5 this month. So I would hate to go out today get an iPhone 4s only for it to be outdated in a week or two.....
Just my 2 cents..