As a few of you know, Im here in Rotterdam, Holland attending the Dutch Big Smoke. I was just about to head over to the day long event, and I heard some keys rattling and some voices in another language, maybe Turkish or Russian, than they started pounding on my door, but not knocking. I mean pounding. As i went to see what was going on, obviously confused and nervous, they started to kick in the door. i hear tools rattling, languages and shit, and at least three voices.
Before i could figure what was going on, they breached the room and snagged my cell and ripe the phone from the wall. They didn't steal my wallet, they didn't beat me up other than a busted lip ... But damn it, they pulled out the gats and stole all my Liga Privada T52's, so now we're all really fucked. I tried to hold the line I tell ya, I tried to fight like the dickens. Oh Gee, I fought my little heart out.
I don't know for sure, but I suspect that this could be related to the Banana Fiasco that Saka caused last week. First, they sell all my T52 wrapper to Ashton for a bag of bananas and $65, then they steal all my secret stash here in Holland. What the fuck am I supposed to do now. Huh???
Wait ... I just might have a plan ..... I'm going to need some helpers, such as Rex and JDog, and maybe Bob Vanmeter .... details to follow ... after the after party.