Short version- last two smokes were bitter. I suspect the temp in my humi (77over the summer) is the cause but I don't have a way to control that.
First was a petit cabaiguan that had a super tight draw and so bitter it was unsmokable. It wa in my humi for 20 days.
Last night was Oliva v beli. Burn and draw perfect. Smoke not terrible but still bitter. 6-8 weeks in the humi.
Is the temp ruining my cigars? So quickly?
First was a petit cabaiguan that had a super tight draw and so bitter it was unsmokable. It wa in my humi for 20 days.
Last night was Oliva v beli. Burn and draw perfect. Smoke not terrible but still bitter. 6-8 weeks in the humi.
Is the temp ruining my cigars? So quickly?