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2 newbie questions

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Sep 5, 2012
Madison, Wi
Hope these haven't been beaten to death before.

1) How do you cut a torpedo? I've cut off the end with a knife and also nipped away at it with a guillotine cutter. I cut at about the 3/8 inch opening. Tell me what I"m doing wrong or how to do it correctly.

2) I seem to salivate a lot when smoking. So far I've always been outdoors so just spit now and then. Obviously that won't work indoors. Do you just swallow? Or do you get to the point where it is not a problem anymore?

Should be fun to hear the comments!
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Aug 29, 2012
Riverside, CA
For myself, I just cut the torpedo at the tip and check the draw. If necessary I clip more. For the salivating, I almost always have a drink while I smoke so it isn't a problem. Something sweet to drink will help with the nicotine as well as the salivating.


Prince Sascha
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Nov 4, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Usually cut the tip of a torpedo at an angle, though I forgot why but it seems to help with unraveling sometimes. As to the spitting, I agree. Something to drink helps that. Be it alcohol or just tea/water.
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Jun 18, 2012
Darrel said it best. Cut, draw, recut again if needed. Dont cut past the caps IMO.

I dont have an issue with saliva when smoking cigars, but I agree with always having a drink available. I am personally drinking ice water with my sticks, so I can better develop my palate.

One other note worthy mention IMO, is to never smoke on an empty stomach. I never had an issue, until a few weeks ago when I hadnt eaten anything all day, and met up with another BOTL at a place to burn one. After about 45 minutes in, I got real nauseous. So I make it a point to have something in my stomach. (while not being full, just something in there)

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Aug 29, 2012
Riverside, CA
One other note worthy mention IMO, is to never smoke on an empty stomach. I never had an issue, until a few weeks ago when I hadnt eaten anything all day, and met up with another BOTL at a place to burn one. After about 45 minutes in, I got real nauseous. So I make it a point to have something in my stomach. (while not being full, just something in there)
Good advice, I learned this the hard way with a Diesel Unholy Cocktail.
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May 14, 2012
One other note worthy mention IMO, is to never smoke on an empty stomach. I never had an issue, until a few weeks ago when I hadnt eaten anything all day, and met up with another BOTL at a place to burn one. After about 45 minutes in, I got real nauseous. So I make it a point to have something in my stomach. (while not being full, just something in there)
Good advice, I learned this the hard way with a Diesel Unholy Cocktail.

This is probably most important starting out. I think most of the Brothers will tell you they learned this the hard way. Great advice!!
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Aug 10, 2012
Southern NH
I've cut my torpedos both with scissors (straight across, not below the cap) and a v-cut. V-cut is especially good on a boxed press like the My Father Le Bijous.

Also... 100% agree with the drinking/eating bit. Have some food... have a nice drink. I've ended up twice forgetting all about my cigar when smoking on an empty stomach and the full force of a big nic stick hits the bloodstream.
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Feb 29, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
I read somewhere that for many tobacco increases saliva production. I always have water or some drink on hand. I agree with the empty stomach thing as well until you build up a nicotine tolerance. Start with lighter smokes earlier in the day.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
Usually cut the tip of a torpedo at an angle, though I forgot why but it seems to help with unraveling sometimes. As to the spitting, I agree. Something to drink helps that. Be it alcohol or just tea/water.
I've cut my torpedos both with scissors (straight across, not below the cap) and a v-cut. V-cut is especially good on a boxed press like the My Father Le Bijous.

Also... 100% agree with the drinking/eating bit. Have some food... have a nice drink. I've ended up twice forgetting all about my cigar when smoking on an empty stomach and the full force of a big nic stick hits the bloodstream.
I read somewhere that for many tobacco increases saliva production. I always have water or some drink on hand. I agree with the empty stomach thing as well until you build up a nicotine tolerance. Start with lighter smokes earlier in the day.
I use a V Cut on all torps and it's one of the best kinds of cuts for these cigars. Saliva is increased while smoking and for those who have a tendency to have issues with nicotine...keep a sugary drink by your side. The angled cut is often termed...Dickman cut...I've used it before but it doesn't really measure up to the V Cut IMO.
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Aug 23, 2012
Sydney, Australia
for the cutting, try cutting a few torps in different positions, see what you like best. i like a tight draw, so i snip a little bit off, my mate likes a loose draw, he cuts just above the cap. experiment, see what works for you.
and you will salivate alot as the smoke is drying out your mouth, have a drink next to you, and also plan ahead, if you are planning on smoking in the evening, make sure you are well hydrated throughout the day, thats my advice
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Sep 5, 2012
Madison, Wi
Thanks guys for the info. I'll give the V cut a try next time I pull out a torpedo. I have something to drink almost all the time I smoke so will keep that up. So far I've always had something in my stomach and will keep it that way from now on.
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Aug 30, 2012
Miami, FL
I remember torpedos when I first started smoking and trying to figure out the "perfect" cut for them. Everything everyone said already are great tips, all a matter of your own personal likes / style. Choosing a drink when I'm smoking is usually one factor that either makes or breaks my cigar smoking experience. So unless I know it's a good pairing already I tend to stick to water as well.

Sitting here laughing at the smoking with food in your stomach aspect because I couldn't agree more! I remember attempting a Man O' War Puro Authentico for the first time on an empty stomach and it kicked my ass!
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I seem to recall the angle cut for torps being called a 'dick cut'.....named for someone named Dickman or Dickson or something silmilar. I still use it from time to time.

When using a guillotine for a new (to me) torp, I usually clip as little as necessary to get a good draw. I then often clip just a little more - one or more times - while smoking. Many torps have different flavor output depending on how far the cut is. Could be mostly in my head, but I enjoy changing the cigar by cutting a bit more as I smoke. (This is especially true with chisels like LFD.)


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
On the saliva aspect, I really don't notice anything extra there, It's typically don't the hatch for me, no need to spit.