You'd sacrifice a friendship just so that you can be right? "Keeping onto a friend until he sees the light...." I dunno man...if one of my friends kept coming on to me this way esp. after I told them what it is I like....even if it's not a real cuban stops being a friend and becomes a situation of having to "be right" and that will destroy a friendship faster than most things.
You have good intentions and thought there Gary, but I think you're taking Jim the wrong way. He is not just "trying to be right" as I've met him before and know his passion with cigars. According to the thread, the buddy didn't believe they were fake. That's the key here... I agree that you don't want to keep hounding a guy once all things are laid out in the open, but there is a legitimate opportunity here to go back to the buddy to help educate him about the triple cap and show him a couple websites etc to help show him the light. If he honestly just doesn't give a crap and likes the cigars, then all the power to him and I agree it should be dropped. But if he honestly believes they are authentic CC's, I would take every opportunity to help educate him. I wouldn't hound him and make him feel like shit, but if an opportunity came up like seeing an obviously fake band or something, I would bring it up again with a fun/ribbing attitude. I wouldn't do it in front of people mocking him, but I would definitely do it one on one while smoking cigars. I believe this is Jim's same type of thought... not "just to be right."
And to Chrisso... he did try to educate the buddy but now there is another legitimate opportunity to bring it up again and tell and show him about triple caps. If it were me and he was a friend, I would definitely do that.
And to the original poster, I am definitely not holding anything against you or giving you a hard time. You did the right thing by trying to tell your buddy, I applaud that. This subject has come up before and I wanted to chime in with my general opinion on the matter because I truly can't believe the divide of BOTLs on this subject. So please don't take my posts as a personal attack against you.