To ya'll that haven't hunted and are interested, the first step would be to contact your local Dept. of wildlife, whatever they are called in your respective states, and inquire about hunter education courses. Once you get that done get a decent rifle, I prefer a .243 or .270 for anything smaller than an elk as far as big game go or a 30-06 will do it all. An inexpensive shotgun, preferable pump or semi-auto if you want to bird hunt. Then spend some time at the range getting used to your gun/s. If anyone wants to come to colorado and shoot prairie dogs this summer we have thousands and i'm willing to take anyone that is interested. We can shoot clay pigeons at the farm as well. The best season if anyone is interested in big game where I live (which is the high plains desert) in eastern colorado is antelope as there is an abundance and even if you don't draw a license there are usually tons of leftovers. As mdwest stated anyone is welcome here, we have plenty of weapons, hunting rifles, assault rifles, ww2 rifles, shotguns, pistols, and even a .50 cal. so even if it's just for shooting, herfin, and havin a good time this summer let me know! For pronghorn next year the early season is the first part of Oct. and Late season is the first part of Dec. Somethin to think about!