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262 Paradigm cigars


Patriot Guard Rider
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Feb 3, 2012
Landrum, South Carolina
I picked up a fiver back in March at a B&M Alec Bradley and 262 event. They are made by Alec Bradley for the http://smoketherevolution.com/ commemorating the Cuban embargo. I smoked one at the event and sort of thought meh. I must admit the one I smoked yesterday the (262 Paradigm 5 1/2 x 50) was great. I have a box now ordered. I tossed them in the wineadore when I got them because they were pretty fresh rolled when. I sort of forgot about them till today. I also have some 262 Ideology's put up I'm going to have to try now. I will have to do my best to keep the Paradigm on hand now.

This post was just a heads up in case anyone was wondering or have seen these cigars. I just wanted to let you know that they are definitely smoke worthy. Enjoy. ;):)



BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
cool! dragged a buddy out last tuesday, they were featuring 262, got a pack with a paradigm, ideology, and revere. the revere was not bad at all, and i look forward to getting to the other two in due course.


BoM 10/12, 9/13, & 8/14
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Jan 8, 2012
Northeast Tennessee
I picked one of these up from Burn's, in Chattanooga, at an event, early this year or late last. Cost me about $12, and I was really looking forward to it. I think it was the paradigm, it was a 262 with a white band and a part of a very limited release. The flavors were very good but it was the most under filled premium I've ever smoked. It was a toro size and, even with going slow, burned hot and lasted about 30 minutes. Usually if a stick is above $10, I'm not inclined to give it another shot. I'm going to have to try another one of these.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
A friend of mine gifted me the Paradigm as well as the Ideology. I smoked the 262 with a few months of good solid rest ( 3 months ) and again at 6 and this is a cigar that gets better with rest...same for the Ideology...can't say for the Revere but knowing where the wrapper, filler/binder come from this is some of my favorite tobacco. My experience tells me by smoking these tobaccos is that they need solid rest to let the complexity come through.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
I have been wanting to try these for awhile. I am gonna pick some up when I'm in southern Indiana next time.
My boy at Riverside Cigars had plenty the last time I was in there if you are looking in Sou Ind.
That's who I'm talking about. Jeff Mouttet, right? We will probably be taking a trip with our club next year to check out his new bar. ;)
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Aug 12, 2012
I have been wanting to try these for awhile. I am gonna pick some up when I'm in southern Indiana next time.
My boy at Riverside Cigars had plenty the last time I was in there if you are looking in Sou Ind.
That's who I'm talking about. Jeff Mouttet, right? We will probably be taking a trip with our club next year to check out his new bar. ;)
You got it. He showed me the bar not long ago when it was still in progress. Looks nice. Don't think they have officially opened it yet.
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Jan 11, 2010
I try to always keep a few of the Paradigm around. Solid sticks that get better with a little rest. Been looking to try the Revere when I can find it.