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Headley Grange by Crowned Heads


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN

To hell with the critics! I can say without a doubt that you guys are putting out some great stuff and you have EARNED a good chunk of real estate in my humidor as a result. Not only do you have a great back story (from how and why you started your company to the "musical" names of your cigars) you are also putting out some great quality products at a realistic price point. That creates a value that is extrememly hard for me to pass on.

If you want a good gauge on how things are going, just look at the mad rush that happened over the Mule Kick this week! Retailers sold out of these in a matter of hours after they hit the shelves. Fourkicksfan (Rob) sent me a copy of your press release a couple of weeks ago that announced the retailers that would have them. I posted on this forum that I had a copy of it and received a flood of private messages from fellow BOTL wanting to know where they could get them. Your product is in demand because your passion and commitment has produced a well blended, high quality cigar!

The bottom line is that as long as you keep doing what you're doing I will continue to enjoy your products and recommend them to everyone that will listen every chance that I get!!!

Keep your chin up and keep up the good work!

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Apr 26, 2012
Northern VA
With some (not all) bloggers/reviewers I kind of look at them as art critics--those that can paint/sculpt/create DO...those that can't become 'critics.' I understand that those critics are necessary to our business; however, with that comes a responsibility.
I've gotta second this. It's completely ridiculous that some reviewers-those who wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night to contemplate a new blend or taste profile in a million years- have the opportunity to tarnish the reputation of a product whose creator is literally a master to the point of artist in his craft. I agree that the responsibility you speak of here Jon is widely abused. It's people like you; the makers and the aficionados; people who know what they're doing who should be telling consumers how cigars taste and whether they're of quality. And I should say, they do in some cases. That's why the brothers love your cigars; because you tell us what a cigar should be through your product. Those who recognize that they've just been shown something great when they smoke a stick keep coming back to it and spread the word by writing reviews- but, sadly, those who don't recognize that (or, in some cases, deny it) also write reviews. Now, obviously cigars do exist that deserve a less than perfect review. My issue is with those reviewers who deny a cigar/brand/blender the opportunity of greatness before giving it a fair shot and providing decent evidence for why it- if it does- falls short. Those guys can smoke a d*#% for all I care. In the mean time, keep pumping out the good stuff brother! It's a big hit around here.


BoM May '14
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93   0   0
Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
I had my first HG this weekend. Will not be my last to say the least. It was a very enjoyable stick, stood out from the others I smoked!
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Jul 12, 2010
Nicely said. A review is just that, one persons opinion. Taste is so subjective, a person may not like a certain flavor profile and thus it becomes more difficult to remain unbiased. It's great if you have a similar liking to a reviewers tastes but if not, you shouldn't be deterred from trying something. Even if a cigar is rated blindly, if it's not in a reviewers profile, it'll receive a lower rating. They're good to look at as a starting point but in the end, it's the individual who makes the final decision and purchases. Something JD said to me many years ago rings true, he said "smoke what you like, not necessarily what's popular.". If you smoke only what's rated high by reviewers, you may be missing out on something that may be perfect for YOU.
A good tobacconist is your best friend especially when they know what you like.
And let's put it this way as far as the HG is concerned. John at Drapers just put the box on the counter and said-"you're going to like these" and just rung me up. He's never been off as far as with me yet. G1
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Jan 11, 2010
Gotta say I was pumped about these going in... First couple out of the box i bought had construction issues (loose draw) and were awful... Not good, but It happens so no big deal. But I gotta say now that I'm further into the box, they've had a bit of time to acclimate and they are rich, complex and fantastic. Well worth the wait and true to the hype.

I can see these just getting better with time. May have to grab a second box to age, since the first one is going fast!


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Glad to see your pasion about these sticks Jon.. '

In the words of General Vinegar Joe Stillwell... Illegitimi non carborundum... (dont let the bastards grind you down)...

I havent smoked a headley grange yet.. but am planning on heading to Old Town Cigars this weekend to see if they still have some on hand (they are the only place around here that carries them I believe).. love the four kicks.. and wouldnt mind getting my hands on a couple of mule kicks before theyre all gone as well...

At the end of the day, people are people.. some are going to not like things because they legitimately dont... and others are not going to like things because they have an agenda.. doesnt really matter.. to quote another famous person.... "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about" (Oscar Wilde)... all publicity can be a good thing if handled the right way..

Hope you guys continue to have success... and I am looking forward to that 3:37AM Dream Stick hitting the shelves in 2013...
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Sep 13, 2009
Hey I'm just appreciative that you all here are smoking Headley Grange--I welcome your input. Thank you.

That said, I just have to 'vent' a little here (we are all BOTLs here, right?). I know that not every cigar is for every person; however, today I read a review on Headley Grange that basically cited it as having "excellent draw," "excellent construction," and "high complexity." But concluded with "..but it's not for me."

Tell me--what /else/ do you look for in a good cigar (draw, construction, complexity)? LOL

Jon Huber
Crowned Heads


Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I broke the news yesterday on twitter that the next Crowned Heads release will be the Ziggy Stardust. This rumor was denied by Huber immediately, but I think it was because I let the cat out of the bag.

Rumor has it that Condor went to EP Carrillo and asked for a blend that "tastes like spiked hair and spandex". Condor could not be reached for comment and EP Carrillo's publicist went on record as saying "WTF?!?".

Details are vague at this point, but I will work through the cloud of secrecy and get to the bottom of this one.
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Jul 12, 2010
I broke the news yesterday on twitter that the next Crowned Heads release will be the Ziggy Stardust. This rumor was denied by Huber immediately, but I think it was because I let the cat out of the bag.

Rumor has it that Condor went to EP Carrillo and asked for a blend that "tastes like spiked hair and spandex". Condor could not be reached for comment and EP Carrillo's publicist went on record as saying "WTF?!?".

Details are vague at this point, but I will work through the cloud of secrecy and get to the bottom of this one.
How do things like this work as far as copyrights. Ziggy being a persona that Bowie was, I'm sure has some sort of copyright. Always thought that things like bands would be a fun project, maybe being a little gimmicky but all in all fun. Reminds me back in the day when Kiss had their name on any item you could think of. Hmmm maybe a Kiss series with either the band persona's (demon, cat etc) or albums (the destroyer, the love gun) LOL man you could go on and on. Of course Gene would have no problem with that.......as long as he got his cut. G1
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Jul 21, 2008
La Mesa CA
I broke the news yesterday on twitter that the next Crowned Heads release will be the Ziggy Stardust. This rumor was denied by Huber immediately, but I think it was because I let the cat out of the bag.

Rumor has it that Condor went to EP Carrillo and asked for a blend that "tastes like spiked hair and spandex". Condor could not be reached for comment and EP Carrillo's publicist went on record as saying "WTF?!?".

Details are vague at this point, but I will work through the cloud of secrecy and get to the bottom of this one.
Post of the decade!!!!:)


BoM January 2010
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167   0   0
Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
I broke the news yesterday on twitter that the next Crowned Heads release will be the Ziggy Stardust. This rumor was denied by Huber immediately, but I think it was because I let the cat out of the bag.

Rumor has it that Condor went to EP Carrillo and asked for a blend that "tastes like spiked hair and spandex". Condor could not be reached for comment and EP Carrillo's publicist went on record as saying "WTF?!?".

Details are vague at this point, but I will work through the cloud of secrecy and get to the bottom of this one.
I love you, Craig, rotflol


BoM January 2010
Rating - 100%
167   0   0
Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
Hey I'm just appreciative that you all here are smoking Headley Grange--I welcome your input. Thank you.

That said, I just have to 'vent' a little here (we are all BOTLs here, right?). I know that not every cigar is for every person; however, today I read a review on Headley Grange that basically cited it as having "excellent draw," "excellent construction," and "high complexity." But concluded with "..but it's not for me."

Tell me--what /else/ do you look for in a good cigar (draw, construction, complexity)? LOL

Jon Huber
Crowned Heads

Rating a cigar that's not in your wheelhouse flavor-wise is tough. To me, an 88 should be considered a "very good cigar," but everyone has different scales as well. There are plenty of cigars that I know are great or even excellent sticks, but I still don't smoke them much because they just "don't do it for me" for whatever reason. Take the Ashton VSG. They are excellent cigars, but I don't smoke them more than twice a year or so. I'd still rate them 90+, though.

And also ... I need a box of Mule Kick, stat!!


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326   0   0
Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
I broke the news yesterday on twitter that the next Crowned Heads release will be the Ziggy Stardust. This rumor was denied by Huber immediately, but I think it was because I let the cat out of the bag.

Rumor has it that Condor went to EP Carrillo and asked for a blend that "tastes like spiked hair and spandex". Condor could not be reached for comment and EP Carrillo's publicist went on record as saying "WTF?!?".

Details are vague at this point, but I will work through the cloud of secrecy and get to the bottom of this one.
Keep up the good fight! Can always count on you Craig :thumbsup:
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Feb 22, 2012
Portland, OR
Tried one today for the first time. It was really good...but not really great in my very humble opinion....but very very good
But strangely enough I am kinda wanting more......