Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond - Great read so far!
You know what movie really pissed me off? Twilight? I don't think its anything like the book!there, i fixed it. only exception i can readily think of is blade runner.
Let me know how American Sniper is, it's on my list to pick upJust finished "The Big Miss" by Hank Haney and now have started "American Sniper" by Chris Kyle. Hank's book was really insightful on what it was like to be in Tiger's "inner circle", so to speak.
Oh man, I loved those books. Good idea re-reading them. Might do that myself. I like going back and re-reading some of the old Robert Ludlum stuff. It is amazing how much different the Bourne series movies were from the original couple books.Been re-reading some classic Tom Clancy. Finished Hunt for Red October last week and am reading Red Storm Rising now.