My favorite time to enjoy a cigar is at night here in Utah. Where I'm at I can see a good deal of shooting stars and stuff like that. I also have on occasion chased a few damn deer off of my lawn and I have run off a few coyotes. Because of the coyotes I always have my 1911 on me in case one decides to take a bite of me! However, last night I saw something really odd that explained a few things.
I was out back behind a bunk house on the property that I rent I saw a light that's not usually on and steam coming out of the window. I skulked over to investigate and what do I notice? My not so situational aware wife buck naked standing in front of the window while her bath was being drawn :ccowboy:. So, I decide to belly up to the window sill and try and figure out why the window was open. After 5 minutes of observation I got board and decided to ask her what the heck she was doing. I have never scared her so badly in my 12 years of marriage :laugh:. I now know why she has had a stalker in every dang duty station I've been to! So what crazy things have yall seen while enjoying a stick?
I was out back behind a bunk house on the property that I rent I saw a light that's not usually on and steam coming out of the window. I skulked over to investigate and what do I notice? My not so situational aware wife buck naked standing in front of the window while her bath was being drawn :ccowboy:. So, I decide to belly up to the window sill and try and figure out why the window was open. After 5 minutes of observation I got board and decided to ask her what the heck she was doing. I have never scared her so badly in my 12 years of marriage :laugh:. I now know why she has had a stalker in every dang duty station I've been to! So what crazy things have yall seen while enjoying a stick?