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Oddest things you see while burning a stick.....

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Oct 14, 2012
My favorite time to enjoy a cigar is at night here in Utah. Where I'm at I can see a good deal of shooting stars and stuff like that. I also have on occasion chased a few damn deer off of my lawn and I have run off a few coyotes. Because of the coyotes I always have my 1911 on me in case one decides to take a bite of me! However, last night I saw something really odd that explained a few things.

I was out back behind a bunk house on the property that I rent I saw a light that's not usually on and steam coming out of the window. I skulked over to investigate and what do I notice? My not so situational aware wife buck naked standing in front of the window while her bath was being drawn :ccowboy:. So, I decide to belly up to the window sill and try and figure out why the window was open. After 5 minutes of observation I got board and decided to ask her what the heck she was doing. I have never scared her so badly in my 12 years of marriage :laugh:. I now know why she has had a stalker in every dang duty station I've been to! So what crazy things have yall seen while enjoying a stick?
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Jan 3, 2011
Aside from deer, turkeys, coyotes, and other critters wandering through my yard, I did have a bat fly into my gazebo while enjoying a cigar one summer evening.....
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Aug 17, 2012
My favorite time to enjoy a cigar is at night here in Utah. Where I'm at I can see a good deal of shooting stars and stuff like that. I also have on occasion chased a few damon deer off of my lawn and I have run off a few coyotes. Because of the coyotes I always have my 1911 on me in case one decides to take a bite of me! However, last night I saw something really odd that explained a few things.

I was out back behind a bunk house on the property that I rent I saw a light that's not usually on and steam coming out of the window. I skulked over to investigate and what do I notice? My not so situational aware wife buck naked standing in front of the window while her bath was being drawn :ccowboy:. So, I decide to belly up to the window sill and try and figure out why the window was open. After 5 minutes of observation I got board and decided to ask her what the heck she was doing. I have never scared her so badly in my 12 years of marriage :laugh:. I now know why she has had a stalker in every dang duty station I've been to! So what crazy things have yall seen while enjoying a stick?
LMAO DUDE!!! haha that was hilarious
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Apr 10, 2012
My favorite time to enjoy a cigar is at night here in Utah. Where I'm at I can see a good deal of shooting stars and stuff like that. I also have on occasion chased a few damn deer off of my lawn and I have run off a few coyotes. Because of the coyotes I always have my 1911 on me in case one decides to take a bite of me! However, last night I saw something really odd that explained a few things.

I was out back behind a bunk house on the property that I rent I saw a light that's not usually on and steam coming out of the window. I skulked over to investigate and what do I notice? My not so situational aware wife buck naked standing in front of the window while her bath was being drawn :ccowboy:. So, I decide to belly up to the window sill and try and figure out why the window was open. After 5 minutes of observation I got board and decided to ask her what the heck she was doing. I have never scared her so badly in my 12 years of marriage :laugh:. I now know why she has had a stalker in every dang duty station I've been to! So what crazy things have yall seen while enjoying a stick?
That's awesome! Haha
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Aug 13, 2012
Lamar CO
That is priceless! I'd've just stood there enjoying my stick all silent and waiting for her to notice me, ya know play the creepy peeper part! LOL
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Jun 18, 2012
Scranton, PA
I was sitting on my buddy's porch, we were smoking after work, it was probably about midnight if not a little later, we saw two people walk by in the rain without shoes on, they asked us for directions to a place we never heard of, shortly after the cops came barreling down the street and the two took off, never did figure out what happened.
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Nov 6, 2012
The Woodlands TX
A buddy and I were on the back porch having a beer and cigars and saw the neighbor who lives behind me trying to catch a armadillo that was tearing up his yard in a laundry basket. He got it over the thing but didnt know they could jump. There was lots of cursing, running, and falling down lol. We invited him over to have a beer and cigar with us and hes been smoking ever since. :cbig:
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Sep 22, 2012
Easy! 2 mice "doing it" on a fence post at my cousin's place. Old cuz was drunk so he started cheering them on. Lol! NatGeo baby!!!
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
Can't say I've seen too many odd things while smoking, but I did have a hummingbird land on my foot once. Apparently that cigar had me pretty relaxed. :)


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Can't say I've seen too many odd things while smoking, but I did have a hummingbird land on my foot once. Apparently that cigar had me pretty relaxed. :)
I love my hummingbirds...wish they would land on me. That would make a cool pic!
weird?funny for me was watching my neighbor go on a cussing spree that could make a sailor blush...he has Tourette syndrome. He's a good guy though so I don't mind. It was just the funniest thing I ever saw.