Funny, my wife just upgraded to the iphone 5 and I just upgraded to the DNA.
The DNA has a much bigger screen and I think takes a better picture. The bigger screen thing is great, IMO, because I'm a bigger guy with big hands, but if you're looking for something more compact the DNA is not for you.
Overall, and I haven't played with my wife's phone all that much, but I'm very happy I've got the DNA and not the iPhone. I'm told the iPhone doesn't have widgets and there is no way to hide icons you don't use, except maybe putting them all in their own folder.
The only thing that makes me a little weary is that my last HTC phone broke twice (nothing to do on my end, the system just crashed and stopped working) within the 2 year contract period and one of those times was outside of the 1 year manufacturers warranty, which means I would have been SOL if I didn't have a friend with an extra phone.