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Cigars on regular mail

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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
Check this out guys:

After finally finding a way to send cigars to the US, for less than $10 bucks, US cuts that opportunity.

US prohibited the entrance of cigars because of the high volume of drugs receiving from central and south America. But, not only I am not able to send cigars (not even a 5pack), now It won't be so easy to receive them either from my courier. Some brothers sent me cigars and I had to talk to 3 managers so they would understand that I was bringing "cigars" not "tobacco leaves" or "seeds" which is different. I can keep bringing them, as long as I proof they are cigars (stupid, right?).

There you go...just as I found a way to bomb guys, US took it from me :( I was only able to send one package, and it is under the risk of being sent back.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
That sucks big time.....

Thankfully we can still hit you from time to time though, correct? :wink: