I lost my grandmother Saturday. I am 31, and always said that it has been a blessing to have them in my life for so long. But I knew it would be that much harder losing them, because I had got to know them so well. My wife never knew her grandparents, so I never took that for granted. The hardest part was watching my 90 year old grandfather, sit next to her and know that there is nothing he could do. For 90, the guy is still a bull. Walks good, drives when he needs to, plows his driveway with hi tractor, mows his lawn, all that. So to me, hes a pretty tough guy. But this got him. Rightfully so. This year they were married 65 years. 65 YEARS. Thats incredible. Such an inspiration. He told me the story of how they met at a dance in Dorset England. Told me how he was a farmer and how they were they only farm for miles and miles that made milk. Told me of how my grandmother was in an orphanage when she was 14, and how it was bombed during WWII. She was buried alive for 2 days before the found her. How they came to this country on the Queen Mary. And how she started her own dog grooming business here, while he worked everday for the Thruway, and eventually became a foreman there. They had been through a lot, and always with each other. Always so happy together and when I was with them, they seemed as they never had a care as long as they were together. She passed this past Saturday. My grandfather would look at me and say "what can you do Jared? What can you do?" He knew there was nothing, but almost wanted reassurance. Thats tough. To look at him, and know that he was losing his best friend of 65 years. Hard to swallow. I have come to comfort, knowing that she isnt suffering, and knowing what beautiful memories they shared. And how this is was people really want when they get married. A life partner. Someone to share all there experiences with. Everything that life throws at them, they deal together. My grandfather will be fine. Handling it quite well actually. He will probably move in with my father so he wont be alone. But ne thing ive taken from this, is to hold my marriage sacred. Even more so than it already has been. Because this is what we all wish for in marriage, right here. Happiness together. Truly a wonderful thing.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Be easy.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Be easy.