just depends on the time of day.. and what I am smoking...
I drink coffee pretty much all morning... if I reach for a stick before about 10AM.. typically its something mild like a MoW virtue or a 5 Vegas Gold, etc.. something easy on the pallate.. that will go with "blonde" coffee..
the rest of the "business day" I almost always pair a cigar with water.. I probably go through 10x glasses of water a day... I dont drink much else honestly.. other than coffee in the AM and occasional alcohol in the PM... sodas and things like that.. are a very infrequent treat (maybe once a week?).. so they rarely get paired...
After work is done.. all bets are off.. it could be another glass of water... or it cold be something alcoholic... it depends on the evening meal, depends on the cigar, etc.. could be anything from a beer, to a glass of scotch, to a glass of wine, to a bottle of pelligrino.. just depends....