So the this past Monday me and my buddy were going to our smoke night. We go every Monday around the same time. The name of the shop is franklin cigar. Now we've spoken with the owner, and he's an extremely nice guy, just wanting to learn more about cigars, and run his shop. There is also another friendly younger guy with a beard, we've spoken with him and know him pretty well. Anyways there is the manager of the store, he is a younger guy not to expressive to say the least. He has never said a word to me and my friend even though he has seen us. He usually goes around the lounge and welcomes everyone, but never us (mind you we are excellent customers, never cause any trouble, and are very respectful), anyways let me get to the story. Me and my friend came in for our nightly smoke, tonight was later than usual but still three and a half hours before they closed. We were greated by the man with the beard as we always were, and we headed to the lounge. In the lounge there were some guys but it seemed they had moved some chairs in almost a circle but not quite. They were enjoying their smokes, and conversing. The manager was also sitting with them, and again no greeting. When we walked passed them they all stopped talking, and gave us weird looks. The manager looks up at the bearded guy and mouths to him " who are they " ...he mouthed back " they're cool " I think. The next silent mouth gesture said something like "tell them to leave". He didnt know I saw him, but the next thing we know is that the employee was informing us that they would be closing soon. I said ohh well when, and he said at 830.... Three minutes from the time it was then. Obviously they weren't closing in three minutes, the guys had just started smoking their cigars, and were pouring drinks. So me and my friend left vowing to never go back. Sorry for the long story, but I felt it had to be shared. What is it about younger people and smoking. Just because we're young doesn't mean we can't sit back and enjoy a cigar, all we want is acceptance, and advice, not rejection.:crytears: