I agree with you somewhat 40....
the question is.. is this the owners intent.. or not... it sounds to me (based solely on the OP) that the manager has his own little after hours "cool guy" thing going on.. and treated a potential customer like crap in an attempt to serve his own best interest (whether it was to keep his buddies happy, or himself, or whatever... we can speculate anything from theyre just a-holes to they had something "personal" to discuss and didnt want outsiders present.. to just about anything else)...
my guess is that unless the OP came in there acting shady or a loud d-bag.. the managers action probably dont mimic the owners intent... at the end of the day.. the owner wants business (you would think)... and anyone that walks through the front door represents a business opportunity..
the club/lounge I belong to is a fee based lounge.. its $250 a year to join... frankly.. if you can pony up the cash.. you can go inside... if not.. it doesnt matter if you are a K Street attorney.. or a biker thug reject.. you dont go inside.. once you are in there... its a bit of a stuffy atmosphere until you get to know a few people...youre an outsider... but no one treats you poorly.. we've got all kinds as members.. most are "professionals".. theyre attorneys, accountants, senior managers and executives with local firms, etc.. but there are a handful of people that are just "joe average" kind of guys.. that like to smoke.. and like to hang out with other smokers... its as much a business networking place as it is a social networking place (a lot of business gets done there).. so there are quite a few "private" conversations that take place at the tables where someone on the "outside" might not be welcome... but "joe average" is never mistreated.. he is a "member" and is an equal with everyone else in the place while he is there..
Ive never witnessed anyone ever get shunned there... young guy (there are a handful), old guy, new member, old member, wealthy guy, or poor guy.. everyone gets treated with the same respect and dignity..
Ive watched a couple of the FOG's roll their eyes and act "superior" at times to the young turks that come into the shop (not member.. just guys heading for the walk in to buy a couple of sticks).. but thats about the extent of it.. the owner and the staff on the other hand have always gone out of their way (at least in my presence) to welcome everyone that walks through the door into the shop, to ask new guys they dont know if they need assistance, etc.. I've also heard them "pitch" the lounge on several occasions to younger guys that look like they are interested...
there is also a "public" sitting area in this B&M where non members are welcome at any time.. when the lounge gets packed it acts as overflow.. you will see a lot of members go out there to get a little fresh(er) air and just find a seat.. Ive never seen conflicts between "members" and the non-members in the sitting area outside the lounge either..
all one big happy smoking family at my B&M.... I dont see any reason it cant be the same way at the OP's B&M just 2 hours up the road from here..