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Never going back there!

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Apr 10, 2012
It's fine.... The guy knows us, and we bring cigars that we bought the last time and smoke those and usually walk out with a few sticks. He usually asks if he can help me and I usually say yea just a minute. So it's like smoke one in there and buy one when we leave.
If he knew you all, why did he toss you out? Maybe next time buy the stick first.
The nice guy technically did throw us out but only cause the manager told him to. It seemed more like we weren't wanted there because we were infringing on their good time, not about the outside cigar thing. Even if we didnt buy anything there, it's no reason for us to be kicked out.
Not buying something there could be reason to be kicked out, after all it is a business. You don't bring Taco Bell when you go to a steakhouse... That being said, I know many lounges allow outside smokes hoping you will buy one and I think most should opperate this way. But I do agree with everyone that you should speak to the owner and if you are a regular customer and buy something everytime you're there they should give you that benefit of the doubt, I know many people prefer to let cigars rest in their own humidors before smoking them.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
As a younger smoker and being black I've been there. I'm not going into an NAACP rant lol I'm just saying discrimination is discrimination. Every hobby of mine especially cigars and guns has what i like to call traditionalists. And if you dont fit their mold they are not comfortable with you. What I've learned tho is once people find out you're serious about your hobby or craft and that youre not a dumb ass, things turn around. Sometimes it's fear sometimes it's ignorance but it's all from them not Knowing.

The rest of the employees are cool with you and I'd definitely keep going back if I were you. I'd tell the owner as an FYI because while everyone may not like everyone personally and for whatever reason, that's no way to run a business. But you never know what people are into or have paid for...them having leave may have saved your life lol
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
And it also never hurts to just ask. "Hey man we like smoking here is there some protocol we missed or have we unknowingly offended the establishment in some way?" Shows maturity respect and again that your serious about smoking.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Not buying something there could be reason to be kicked out, after all it is a business. You don't bring Taco Bell when you go to a steakhouse... That being said, I know many lounges allow outside smokes hoping you will buy one and I think most should opperate this way. But I do agree with everyone that you should speak to the owner and if you are a regular customer and buy something everytime you're there they should give you that benefit of the doubt, I know many people prefer to let cigars rest in their own humidors before smoking them.
I get what you are saying, but he did state the guy at the door knew them and they do buy cigars there. So, if anything the analogy would be bringing yesterday's Taco Bell to the same Taco Bell. If that was the reasoning, then it should have been stated, not lying to a customer and telling him you are closing in 3 mins to kick them out. That "manager" should be fired for failing to do his job.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
And it also never hurts to just ask. "Hey man we like smoking here is there some protocol we missed or have we unknowingly offended the establishment in some way?" Shows maturity respect and again that your serious about smoking.
Any retailer worth 2 shits would be proactive in this situation and not reactive. You please 100 customers for them to tell 1 about you, but piss off 1 customer they tell 100.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
And it also never hurts to just ask. "Hey man we like smoking here is there some protocol we missed or have we unknowingly offended the establishment in some way?" Shows maturity respect and again that your serious about smoking.
Any retailer worth 2 shits would be proactive in this situation and not reactive. You please 100 customers for them to tell 1 about you, but piss off 1 customer they tell 100.
The Club/lounge game isn't just about retail. It's about atmosphere and SOME places are particular about their atmosphere and if they don't want you there they don't want you there. Then they want you to tell the 100 of your friends that are just like you not to come OR they want you to tell them if you DO come this is how u will conduct yourself. Block or his friend could have unknowingly stepped on some toes or just stepped into a "reserved" (read regulars) space or event. So in this case let em know what happened get to the bottom of why and go from there is what I would do. Man up and make them do the same.
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BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I agree with you somewhat 40....


the question is.. is this the owners intent.. or not... it sounds to me (based solely on the OP) that the manager has his own little after hours "cool guy" thing going on.. and treated a potential customer like crap in an attempt to serve his own best interest (whether it was to keep his buddies happy, or himself, or whatever... we can speculate anything from theyre just a-holes to they had something "personal" to discuss and didnt want outsiders present.. to just about anything else)...

my guess is that unless the OP came in there acting shady or a loud d-bag.. the managers action probably dont mimic the owners intent... at the end of the day.. the owner wants business (you would think)... and anyone that walks through the front door represents a business opportunity..

the club/lounge I belong to is a fee based lounge.. its $250 a year to join... frankly.. if you can pony up the cash.. you can go inside... if not.. it doesnt matter if you are a K Street attorney.. or a biker thug reject.. you dont go inside.. once you are in there... its a bit of a stuffy atmosphere until you get to know a few people...youre an outsider... but no one treats you poorly.. we've got all kinds as members.. most are "professionals".. theyre attorneys, accountants, senior managers and executives with local firms, etc.. but there are a handful of people that are just "joe average" kind of guys.. that like to smoke.. and like to hang out with other smokers... its as much a business networking place as it is a social networking place (a lot of business gets done there).. so there are quite a few "private" conversations that take place at the tables where someone on the "outside" might not be welcome... but "joe average" is never mistreated.. he is a "member" and is an equal with everyone else in the place while he is there..

Ive never witnessed anyone ever get shunned there... young guy (there are a handful), old guy, new member, old member, wealthy guy, or poor guy.. everyone gets treated with the same respect and dignity..

Ive watched a couple of the FOG's roll their eyes and act "superior" at times to the young turks that come into the shop (not member.. just guys heading for the walk in to buy a couple of sticks).. but thats about the extent of it.. the owner and the staff on the other hand have always gone out of their way (at least in my presence) to welcome everyone that walks through the door into the shop, to ask new guys they dont know if they need assistance, etc.. I've also heard them "pitch" the lounge on several occasions to younger guys that look like they are interested...

there is also a "public" sitting area in this B&M where non members are welcome at any time.. when the lounge gets packed it acts as overflow.. you will see a lot of members go out there to get a little fresh(er) air and just find a seat.. Ive never seen conflicts between "members" and the non-members in the sitting area outside the lounge either..

all one big happy smoking family at my B&M.... I dont see any reason it cant be the same way at the OP's B&M just 2 hours up the road from here..
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Example: this guy never knew why I would always just give him a pound or elbow when I greeted everyone else with full daps at he bar. After a few drinks one day he asked ... And I told him: oh we're definitely cool ...but I one day we were in the bathroom and you didn't wash your hands...
Find out the reason for the behavior THEN choose your course of action based on how you feel about the answer. Don't cheat yourself out of a smoke spot for what could've been easily explained but was poorly handled or what was some Mob sh** and would've turned into "now yous can't leave" lol


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
I absolutely agree with what you are saying there....

always put yourself in check first.. make sure you arent the problem.. then seek out a solution...
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
I agree with you somewhat 40....


the question is.. is this the owners intent.. or not... it sounds to me (based solely on the OP) that the manager has his own little after hours "cool guy" thing going on.. and treated a potential customer like crap in an attempt to serve his own best interest (whether it was to keep his buddies happy, or himself, or whatever... we can speculate anything from theyre just a-holes to they had something "personal" to discuss and didnt want outsiders present.. to just about anything else)...

my guess is that unless the OP came in there acting shady or a loud d-bag.. the managers action probably dont mimic the owners intent... ..

Yessir agreed and that's what I'm sayin - find out which it is. I was just giving that example as a shade of grey that could exist with the age thing and that it's not always bad. You'll see that i always try offer different perspectives even if I don't agree. Personally from the posts I think it's just that one dude and his perceived authority/power trying to impress the regulars and/or shape the patronage into his vision of what the lounge should look like and that he does not want to be spider in good fellas. Lol

"K st lawyer" sounds like DC
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Apr 10, 2012
Not buying something there could be reason to be kicked out, after all it is a business. You don't bring Taco Bell when you go to a steakhouse... That being said, I know many lounges allow outside smokes hoping you will buy one and I think most should opperate this way. But I do agree with everyone that you should speak to the owner and if you are a regular customer and buy something everytime you're there they should give you that benefit of the doubt, I know many people prefer to let cigars rest in their own humidors before smoking them.
I get what you are saying, but he did state the guy at the door knew them and they do buy cigars there. So, if anything the analogy would be bringing yesterday's Taco Bell to the same Taco Bell. If that was the reasoning, then it should have been stated, not lying to a customer and telling him you are closing in 3 mins to kick them out. That "manager" should be fired for failing to do his job.
I understand and from the posts and explanations and also going to many b&ms i dont think it had anything to do with outside cigars, I was just commenting really on his post where he said even if he didn't buy anything it wasn't reason to be kicked out, because it is their shop and they can make you buy something in order for you to enjoy the lounge.

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
I get that, but as someone who worked in a shop that had a lounge for customers, you know who your customers are. The fact that the "door" guy said "they're cool" or whatever he said to the manager and still got pushed out the door seems pretty shitty to me. I guess it all comes down to how bad you want someones business. If you want to lie to customers to have them leave then so be it. If someone pulled something like that in one of our shops I would want to know about it and would definitely speak to the manager about it. I just think it could have/should have been handled in a more professional manner.
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May 29, 2008
Ah screw him. Its not just younger guys. I walk in in my bike leather and chains and doo rags and get looks and attitudes. If they are nice i chat. If not i start asking for all the hard to find cigars that i know they dont carrry. I sit down and light up anyway. Pull out my palio cutter and refuse to use there cheap house cutter. Tell them i dont like their montes and romeos.

Maybe belch and fart.

There are assholes in every walk of life. Sometimes we get spoiled because the BOTLs out there are more than generous more than most people. So when we do run across a crotchety one, rare, we do take it a little hard. If it was me i would talk to the man himself and politely explain my side. Maybe he had just had a tradegy in his life and wasnt in a good place.

If that dont work, then i just smack em with a couple cigars and leave em alone.

Just my 2 cents. Peace bro

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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
And it also never hurts to just ask. "Hey man we like smoking here is there some protocol we missed or have we unknowingly offended the establishment in some way?" Shows maturity respect and again that your serious about smoking.
Any retailer worth 2 shits would be proactive in this situation and not reactive. You please 100 customers for them to tell 1 about you, but piss off 1 customer they tell 100.
The Club/lounge game isn't just about retail. It's about atmosphere and SOME places are particular about their atmosphere and if they don't want you there they don't want you there. Then they want you to tell the 100 of your friends that are just like you not to come OR they want you to tell them if you DO come this is how u will conduct yourself. Block or his friend could have unknowingly stepped on some toes or just stepped into a "reserved" (read regulars) space or event. So in this case let em know what happened get to the bottom of why and go from there is what I would do. Man up and make them do the same.
Well said. Some cigar lounges are really clubs. I have walked into private clubs but rarely been asked to leave. This is usually because I like to try new sticks and buy 6 or seven. It is amazing how spending a hundred bucks makes you immediately a club member. That being said you have to find a place where you are comfortable. And places change. Our local B&M was a great place with many regulars. We had Saturday morning breakfasts, met for games and most Sundays. The owner was a guy that really didn't seem to care whether he sold cigars or not. Show up, buy a few and welcome. The placer sold. Now it is a ghost town. New owner cant find the groove. ANy way, find your spot and grow it.
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Mar 21, 2011
Dominican Republic
How bad is it for you to bring your own cigars to a B&M? I ask this because in my country there very few shops that charge you for bringing your own cigars, and most of the other shops don't care. why? Because: 1) they sell you drinks and/or food, so they earn money anyways, and 2) because usually smokers go in pairs or groups and someone always buys. So...is it the same in USA?

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Feb 14, 2013
Columbia, MD
How bad is it for you to bring your own cigars to a B&M? I ask this because in my country there very few shops that charge you for bringing your own cigars, and most of the other shops don't care. why? Because: 1) they sell you drinks and/or food, so they earn money anyways, and 2) because usually smokers go in pairs or groups and someone always buys. So...is it the same in USA?

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
In the US is varies from place to place. None of the B&M's near me allow you to bring in your own sticks. To me, it seems as that the standard protocol is that you have to buy a cigar to smoke it at a B&M, but that by no means is how every shop operates.
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Mar 24, 2012
Newtown, CT
If its a cigar bar, bring your own and drink. But a b&m.with a sitting area, buy their cigars.

Id say you got stuck with a douche manager that's throwing his weight around. Go back again and if its the same deal fuckem and go somewhere else. Not worth the hassle.

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Jan 7, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Could just be the asshole factor but the way you describe this it sounds to me like they were about to do something odd (or illegal). Just being rushed out with code signals like that strikes me as suspicious. The "store manager" career is full of misses. Sounds to me like he was about to spark up a joint with his buddies and likes to use the smoke shop as his own residence. Ive known lots of store managers in different industries who would do (and have done) similar things.

Store owner should know.


I hate E and Chef
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Feb 18, 2010
Personally, I would go back. If I like the place and someone is bothered by me even when I'm not trying, it's their problem unless they're the owner.