I do enjoy the olde school. It is another massive DFH beer clocking in at 15abv. I find it to be extremely vicous, maybe since it is brewed or conditioned with dates and figs. It is also appealing since 4 packs were around $15 and it was readily available with no bottle limits at my local. I purchased close to a case with the intention of trying to hold on to a few for the long run and see what happens.Fitz, how did you like the Olde School compared to other barelywine's you enjoy?
How did you like it? I have never tried anything from The Bruery but always am temped to. The price always deters me away but I am just about on the tipping point of buying one and need recommendations.
I totally hear you on price but this beer was attrictive that it was only 8.99 which is significantly less then most of their offerings. I also grabbed the beer because it looked intersting in that it has american hops added. I thought it was great, very drinkable and at 8.99 plan on being back for more. Its highly rated on the two big beer forums, go for it. There are tons of 22oz bombers at the same price range, great bang for the buck.How did you like it? I have never tried anything from The Bruery but always am temped to. The price always deters me away but I am just about on the tipping point of buying one and need recommendations.
A Kyle sighting, holy shit!!!
Think it's bedtime.