I can vouch for that.If they find any, you'll get a hard time.
That's the truth.Once again we do not live in a free country........
Agreed. This is what I did a few years ago in England. I researched the RG's of the Habanos I was hoping to aquire and brought a bunch of Rocky Patels or whatever with me. When it was time to leave, I just put the non-offending bands on about 20 Habano singles & had zero problems with Customs. Of course, I was traveling on tour with a Church choir populated with a gaggle of blue haired little old ladies, so that probably helped.i would just save some bands from other cigars and put them on the cc lol.. then like someone said, say they are from your own personal stash you took with u
Hey Farring I am Canadian and if I were to tell you go back into the states anyway it would be going through the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie. I have gone over it a million times and have never had any issue.Has anyone ever gone through customs at 1000 island r they as bad as the ones at Niagara Falls