If a customer is angry, tell them whatever you like, but excuses won't make me happy, especially when plenty of other sites allow MasterCard for tobacco purchases. Knowing that makes me feel like there is something else going on, which means I'll just shop elsewhere and save myself some hassle.
Btw, I'm referring to the rant some small business make when something like this comes up. If they instead say something along the lines of "we're currently experiencing issues accepting MasterCard for tobacco purchases. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to resolve it." - that's perfectly professional and acceptable.
You're in essence saying you would prefer to be lied to, rather than be given a heads up as to the reasons concerning their inability to accept your chosen form of payment.
Yes, I'm quite sure there are several sites that ponied up the money required to continue accepting MC. Although, the smaller sites really must look at where their money is coming from, and decide if an annual $1k payment makes fiscal sense. If you only made an average of $900 in MC sales over the past 4 years, with the vast majority of your business being Visa, how does it even remotely make fiscal sense to pay $1k for $900 in sales. Also, that's sales, not profit, you may in fact be making an average of $4k in sales via MC, while profiting far less than $1k out of that $4k, meaning you would be paying out of pocket to MC to simply appease customers that are causing you to lose money.
The very large sites I'm sure screamed bloody murder to MC, but still handed over the money because it would cost them FAR more than $1k to lose the MC sales. While some smaller sites may in fact fall into the vortex where most of their sales come from MC, and simply HAD to pay the $1k to stay afloat. I wouldn't be one to point my ignorant finger in either direction concerning this issue though, as we do not have access to their books, and know absolutely nothing about their fiscal abilities/history concerning MC, or any other form of payment.
Allowing us to know the truth behind a certain decision that may in fact impact your choice as to whether you make a purchase with their site seems like a wise choice for those in the business of customer service and support. With this knowledge a customer may be more willing to say, "Well f*** MC, I will still buy from you with my other card, you've always been good to me!", rather than lying or misleading - "You can't even keep your credit card service working? How am I supposed to trust you with giving you ANY of my information? I'm not going to take a chance, sorry."
*shrugs* That's how I see it at least.