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Guantanamera Cristales

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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Length: 5 7/8", Gauge: 41. Price: Roughly $4.00 a stick

I'm unsure if anyone has reviewed this cigar before or if this is even where it should be done.
I received this cigar in a box of 5 as a gift for xmas 5 years ago.

I tried one about 2 months after getting it and was not overly happy about it but I figured I would age it. Here is the review after the aging.

The cigar was very well rolled (machine rolled) and presentation was very impressive.
The draw was very clean and easy. The scent before lighting was slightly leathery/earthy but didn't have much else.
The lighting was great and it burnt very evenly without any canoeing or uneven burning. The ash held very well and approx. 1-1.5".
Flavor was very flat and not really much of anything. It was like smoking a large cigarette with similar taste and scent.
The cigar had a very tabacco-y taste to it without much of anything else.
This is not a cigar I recommend to anyone as it is just a large expensive cigarette.

Hope this helps anyone thinking of it.
Rating - 100%
11   0   0
Dec 20, 2012
New Jersey
Ballsy of you to smoke a Guantanamera without being forced to! :grin:

From what I've heard about it, your review is pretty accurate, but luckily I cannot speak from experience.

In the future, you might want to post reviews here.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Ballsy of you to smoke a Guantanamera without being forced to! :grin:

From what I've heard about it, your review is pretty accurate, but luckily I cannot speak from experience.

In the future, you might want to post reviews here.
Thanks for the update Matt will do next time. I didn't notice the review section and I was pretty pissed post cigar. It was super rough. Hope this helps everyone.
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May 20, 2011
Ballsy of you to smoke a Guantanamera without being forced to! :grin:
Sent one to ahbroody as a mean joke.....:hysterica I had it as a the result of a re-gifted gift, of someone who didn't know better.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Ya I got it as a gift also and I could not have been anymore pissed about it either.
I keep them so I can give it to drunk friends when they come over and want a cigar to smoke.
