I saw the footage...it's a total grey area with rule interpretation. He has to drop the ball as close to the original shot as possible, what is the measuring stick for close as possible? Unfortunately if he is disqualified it will be the story of the weekend instead of whoever wins. To me, he should be allowed to keep playing.ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy...
they're looking in to Tiger's drop from yesterday where his ball hit the pin and went in to the water...possibly illegal and if so, he signed an incorrect scorecard...........
golf.com has a good article on it.
The drop under question [pictured above] occurred after Woods’s approach shot to the par-5 struck the flagstick and rolled back into the water. Woods chose not to drop in what he described as the "wet" and "muddy" drop zone, which left him with two other options under the Rules of Golf:
1. Play [the] ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played; or
2. Drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped.
Woods chose the first option, but he appeared not to drop as close as possible to the original spot.
“So I went back to where I played it from, but I went two yards further back and I took, tried to take two yards off the shot of what I felt I hit,” Woods said after his round.
The ensuing shot “worked out perfectly," Woods said.
I don't think it is about money for Tiger. Not getting the prize money from the Masters won't affect Tiger's balance sheet one little bit. I don't even think it is about the money for the Masters organization. If it was about the money for them, they would sell the broadcast rights to the highest bidder and show every shot on all four days. As it is now they restrict the broadcast times. They don't even begin the national broadcast until 3:00 PM EST today and 2:00 PM tomorrow. That doesn't seem to be a money grab to me.But it isn't about ratings (the committee made it that way) . It's about doing the right thing. Funny how a 14 year old showed us how a pro should act in golf. With class. Tiger can now do more for golf than he ever imagined. But, it's all about the money for him and thenMasters Committee.