He's playing by the rules of golf.... He's not breaking them, in fact, the rules are what is keeping him in. I hope he plays and I hope he wins.
I watched that interview a few times and then the commentators today a few times. This is all interpretation. He said I played it from 2 yards back and took two yards off the shot. He didn't say I dropped it 2 yards back....just that he played it. He drops(can't drop closer), sees he is about 2 yards back(looks more like about 5' to me) and plays that shot. I think people are reading a lot of intent into his comments. Maybe it is there, I don't know..... I honestly believe that when he met with the rules commettee this AM and if he said that he intentionally broke the rules, he'd be gone. I do not think there was intent. I think he knew they reviewed it and said he was fine, he signed what he thought was a good scorecard and then things changed. There is a rule to protect players from the people that call in, which is good, because only certain players will ever have to deal with them.
Anyway, again, I see no reason to withdraw....he's not skirting the rules.
Add....LOL at the thought that the Rules Committee cares about ratings or Augusta National cares about ratings or money.....