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Just messin around

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Feb 14, 2013
Columbia, MD

Just messin around in ps .... Gotta alotta ideas ill post some and if anyone's interested and I get proper permission ill run some stuff
I'm colorblind and can't even make out what is laid out over top the leaf...I'm sure it looks cool though. Ill just stay in the corner with my other colorblind friends haha.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Pretty cool idea!
Thanks that's nothing. I did that in my phone in photoshop. If u guys really want apparel I can do it. Maybe ill but up 5 or 6 designs and vote. If there's an interest ill do. But ill have some stuff coming either way and if you guys want some gear for next summer or sweatshirts (thinkin design production shipping then order and shipping time) that's cool too. We'll play it by ear
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Mista that is pretty sweet I'm sure if you showed JD those ideas he would love them and maybe even try it out. He's a huge lover of the arts and it looks pretty sweet.


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Watcher of the Sky
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Mar 12, 2009
The initialism BOTL is as far as I know commonly used when referring to cigar smokers and as such public domain but Eric does shirts, sweat shirts, hats etc with the BOTL logo usually once a year so I would run it by him first as a courtesy. The Liga lion is definitely trademarked which would make it off limits, doubtful JD would approve of apparel being made up with it that competes with his product. However IMO privately making a few up for personal use or for a friend or two shouldn't be a big deal, hawked in the forum don't think so.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
The initialism BOTL is as far as I know commonly used when referring to cigar smokers and as such public domain but Eric does shirts, sweat shirts, hats etc with the BOTL logo usually once a year so I would run it by him first as a courtesy. The Liga lion is definitely trademarked which would make it off limits, doubtful JD would approve of apparel being made up with it that competes with his product. However IMO privately making a few up for personal use or for a friend or two shouldn't be a big deal, hawked in the forum don't think so.
Oh yeah I certainly meant the botl logo more than the DE. I just keep seeing people ask for gear and I could pretty much come up with a whole line of stuff if I wanted to. I was just playin around with that DE logo and would go thru the appropriate channels to collab with them on a design and then they could sell it thru their channels. Like we did a limited run with k Swiss some years ago.

And our own tees

And music (rap which some of you hate lol)

But no wouldn't just jack anyone's stuff. And we are workin on collabs for some craft beer label art as well... maybe one day a cigar band or logo.

GrandHigh be high stay high live high


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
This is just my guess but I am pretty sure JD would be upset if you made a few, as long as you didn't profit on it and it was for a small number of guys.