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BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
OK, sell me on these.

Why? I did some looking because this is a fairly new name (remember I am speaking as one who has been smoking cigars for the last 33+ years).

They remind me of the boom years when new "boutique" cigars were always popping up. They'd sell for outrageous prices and then a year later you'd seem them at JRCigars for 1/3 - 1/10 the original price (yes, I bought a box of some Don ???????? cigars for $29 that had been selling for $290). Each had some great story of how historical they were, or their rollers came from the famed factory of ___insert own famous cigar manufacturer's name here____, or their tobacco was grown from some seed that was recently rediscovered, or.... (you get the idea).

Anyway, after having been through one boom with the fly-by-nights pedaling their wares, I am reluctant to drop my hard-earned $$ on something.

Tell me why these are the cat's asterisk? Why should I look for them? By the way, telling me Cigar Aficionado rated them highly doesn't mean jack diddly to me.

Tell me why I should find a couple of these to try out.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
I fail to see how this post contributes anything to this forum, and it is especially humorous coming from somebody with "smoke what YOU like" in their sig line.

Bought a T52 DC for an outrageous price today, thanks Minnesota :thumbsup:
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Apr 5, 2013
North woods of Wisconsin
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As someone who has smoked cigars for so long..... Wouldn't you agree most cigars on the market right now are way better in construction, flavor and general tobacco blending; then in the boom years....... We're not talking about JR cigars. For the most part I would think the general consensus is most big box house blends tend to suck. Btw I'm fairly certain that you don't have to worry about losing your hard earned money on these. They've been sold out since last fall for the most part.
First off, I wasn't trying to start a war here. I was simply asking a question. I stated why I was skeptical, and then wanted to know what about them was appealing. I haven't had them, sell them to me. Curivari is another newer cigar, something I am guessing some of you never heard of. My statements about how long some cigars have been around apply to that brand as well. However, I have had a few. Why do I like them? I like the Reserva Limitada Café line because it a medium bodied smoke with hints of graham crackers, nuts, and slight spice (to my palate). I am curious to see how well they age. On the other hand, the El Gran Rey line is a bit stronger with some spice, coffee, and leather - a clean finish that doesn't linger all that long, also makes this appealing.

No, actually I wouldn't agree. In fact, some of the long time manufacturers are still some of the best out there. I am not sure that the flavor and general tobacco is better either. There are many cigars out there that are full-bodied for the sake of full-bodiedness, and they have no subtlety, no nuance, and little complexity. Many are simply one-dimensional. Another thing I have noticed with much of the newer stuff is that it is great right off the truck, but 3-6 years down the line they taste like paper, what flavors they did have are gone, and they have become worse than boring. (I have a couple Curivari to try that experiment with, I hope they age as well as I'd like them too, but I am not holding my breath.)
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Apr 5, 2013
North woods of Wisconsin
Why seek them out? They're delicious. And like J said, good luck finding them, they've been sold out everywhere. But you're right, they're probably no good....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 because, you know, I love Tapatalk 2.
Didn't say they were no good, please do not put words in my mouth. I simply stated why I was skeptical, and asked what about them makes them appealing. They're delicious isn't much help by the way - there is a lot of stuff that I would think delicious that you might not enjoy, in the same way you might find something delicious that I might not stand.

What makes them delicious - that is all I was asking.
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Apr 5, 2013
North woods of Wisconsin
Another box of Goldies. I can't wait for the 2nd release. If it is anything like the original. I'm hoarding... big time.

OK, sell me on these.

Why? I did some looking because this is a fairly new name (remember I am speaking as one who has been smoking cigars for the last 33+ years).

They remind me of the boom years when new "boutique" cigars were always popping up. They'd sell for outrageous prices and then a year later you'd seem them at JRCigars for 1/3 - 1/10 the original price (yes, I bought a box of some Don ???????? cigars for $29 that had been selling for $290). Each had some great story of how historical they were, or their rollers came from the famed factory of ___insert own famous cigar manufacturer's name here____, or their tobacco was grown from some seed that was recently rediscovered, or.... (you get the idea).

Anyway, after having been through one boom with the fly-by-nights pedaling their wares, I am reluctant to drop my hard-earned $$ on something.

Tell me why these are the cat's asterisk? Why should I look for them? By the way, telling me Cigar Aficionado rated them highly doesn't mean jack diddly to me.

Tell me why I should find a couple of these to try out.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
I agree with jfire. There are some amazing cigars these days, and some utter crap. Some of the amazing cigars are expensive, but some are cheap (and same for the crap, lol). The only way to know if a cigar is "legit" is to try it.

FWIW, I LOVE the Goldies. Awesome smokes. I think they have a very unique flavor profile, and burn for much longer than you'd think based on the size. I'd love to find more, and am looking forward to trying the new size. But that's me! As with all cigars, you've just got to try a couple to know if it's for you.

Thank you! Now I am intrigued. A flavor profile that is unique? You mean it isn't the norm? That has me wanting more information. Is it spicy, sweet, mild, strong? Please give me more! This is what I am looking for.
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Apr 5, 2013
North woods of Wisconsin
OK, sell me on these.

Why? I did some looking because this is a fairly new name (remember I am speaking as one who has been smoking cigars for the last 33+ years).

They remind me of the boom years when new "boutique" cigars were always popping up. They'd sell for outrageous prices and then a year later you'd seem them at JRCigars for 1/3 - 1/10 the original price (yes, I bought a box of some Don ???????? cigars for $29 that had been selling for $290). Each had some great story of how historical they were, or their rollers came from the famed factory of ___insert own famous cigar manufacturer's name here____, or their tobacco was grown from some seed that was recently rediscovered, or.... (you get the idea).

Anyway, after having been through one boom with the fly-by-nights pedaling their wares, I am reluctant to drop my hard-earned $$ on something.

Tell me why these are the cat's asterisk? Why should I look for them? By the way, telling me Cigar Aficionado rated them highly doesn't mean jack diddly to me.

Tell me why I should find a couple of these to try out.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
I fail to see how this post contributes anything to this forum, and it is especially humorous coming from somebody with "smoke what YOU like" in their sig line.

Bought a T52 DC for an outrageous price today, thanks Minnesota :thumbsup:
You are right, as this is a "show-me" thread, maybe asking the question should have been done elsewhere. As for my sig line, I think that's what my makes my post all the more appropriate, tell me why *I* should try these and possible get on the bandwagon of liking them.

I am going to say this again, I don't know that I anywhere said these were bad smokes. If I gave that impression, please forgive me. I stated why I was skeptical of new cigars to me, it was sort of background to give reasoning for my question. I was not trying to call into question the La Palina line. I simply wanted to know why these are so well-loved.