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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Met Marvin Samel of DE today at the DE event at Drapers in DC. I only had literally about 15 minutes because I happened to be downtown at the time and realized the event was going on and I can't make tomorrow's event at drapers Bethesda and then Civil cuz it's my sons bday. I have to say that from chatting with
Marv for a few minutes and having read and seen what i have about the DE guys....they are all men of the people and easy going and rep their brand and the culture they've developed very well. I look fwd to meeting the rest of them and trying/enjoying their smokes.
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
That's cool dude. There is an event coming in June to a place about 3 hours away from me that JD will be attending. I was thinking about going because all of the places around here that have events for DE only have deals on Undercrown or Acid stuff, which I'm not really into. Was there anything above and beyond a normal event that happened? Special giveaway or HTF stuff perhaps? I've seen photos in the past where a rep has brought in test blends or as of yet unreleased sticks. Basically what I'm asking is: Is the juice worth the squeeze for a 3 hour drive? (6 hrs round trip)
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Well tomorrows event which I wanted to go to was $50 for cocktails and smokes and one of the smokes is something you'd never ever be able to get again. There were no htfs just deals on undercrowns. 50/50 on the drive though. Today was just an in store and very cool. Tomorrow was limited to 50 people and I may have driven for that. Don't know what they would offer at other events but if your goal is htfs and giveaways? Naw not worth it. What's the destination for you that's 3 hours away?
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Oct 5, 2010
Warren, MI
The destination is Fort Wayne, Indiana. I know when JD himself shows up he can do it big from time to time. All the events in the Detroit area are watered down so I was thinking if he was gonna be there himself it would be kinda cool. A guy I know in Florida went to one once and for $50-60ish he got unlimited tap beer, some money to spend on DE products in store and a 3 pack of goodness with HTFs in it, something of which was unreleased at the time. I also heard there were some cool giveaways and raffles with DE products as prizes. For me that would be totally worth it. I'm not looking for an opportunity to buy a box of anything HTF (although that would be awesome!,) I just want to be able to have a couple of way cool smokes that I haven't had or something that is as of yet unreleased. If the odds were in my favor of that happening I'd drive 3 hours there all day long, to hell with figuring out how early I'd have to leave to get there to avoid traffic and how much of a PITA it would be to drive back after being super relaxed with a few good smokes because it would be totally worthwhile.
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
The destination is Fort Wayne, Indiana. I know when JD himself shows up he can do it big from time to time. All the events in the Detroit area are watered down so I was thinking if he was gonna be there himself it would be kinda cool. A guy I know in Florida went to one once and for $50-60ish he got unlimited tap beer, some money to spend on DE products in store and a 3 pack of goodness with HTFs in it, something of which was unreleased at the time. I also heard there were some cool giveaways and raffles with DE products as prizes. For me that would be totally worth it. I'm not looking for an opportunity to buy a box of anything HTF (although that would be awesome!,) I just want to be able to have a couple of way cool smokes that I haven't had or something that is as of yet unreleased. If the odds were in my favor of that happening I'd drive 3 hours there all day long, to hell with figuring out how early I'd have to leave to get there to avoid traffic and how much of a PITA it would be to drive back after being super relaxed with a few good smokes because it would be totally worthwhile.
Yeah then. If think it would be worth it. Just like tomorrow $50 event limited to 50 people with exclusive sticks and cocktails included. From what I've seen from past events it would definitely be worth the drive for you. Oh and I did get a raffle ticket I don't know what the prize is tho lol.