Hello all! first of all, thanks to everyone for your interest and kind words.
I smoked a couple of these weeks after rolling and to be quite frank, they were awful. Most notably, the flavor. To my surprise, they burn and draw just fine. I must have done a decent enough job of rolling them that they are smokable, however the flavor was down right wrong. Either the leaf is just not high enough quality (likely) or it was extremely young and needed aging. The other major problem is that none of the leaf I had was wrapper quality. Most of these are ugly little suckers. Tons of huge veins, very uneven, the surface of the leaf is rough and ugly.
With all that in mind, I'm still extremely satisfied with the results. I learned a lot! I can check "Make your own cigars" off my list of things I want to do in my lifetime. I Also now have an even deeper appreciation for what goes into making premium cigars. To think that you can grow some tobacco or buy some leaf, prep it, sort it, blend it, roll it all on your own with knowledge gained from the internet and have a product that will remotely resemble that produced by people who dedicate their entire life (and often families who dedicate generations of lives) to an art - Well, it's naive. I mean - There are people who will make an entire career out of sorting tobacco leaf...!
I think Perhaps I'll revisit one of my home made's tonight and post up some pics/results.
It looks like leaf only had added a lot more variety of leaf - Maybe this is worth trying again with some newer leaf varieties...