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Can a humidor go bad?

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Jun 24, 2013
Kapolei, Hawaii
Still new to this and all, but my first humi was purchased used. An older Humidor Supreme from 08 I believe.
I've never really none how to store cigars, I just placed them there with out knowing really.
After learning what a humi should be set at for proper storage, I started to look into; how to season a humidor, proper RH, temp and so on.

Knowing my humi was used, I wrongfully assumed that my hygrometer was good to go. Humidity stays at a constant 80, lack of temp probe worried me, and the humidor pads wern't absorbing much distilled water as I thought.

Now before I get flamed for storing cigars in a un-seasoned humidor, LOL I would like to say that the longest any cigar has remained in storage has been maybe a week... Bad storage hasn't affected the taste as far as I know.

What are some steps that I can take to make ensure the longevity of my sticks and humidor?

Also small note... I live in Hawaii, and our humidity is well some what tropical. So if any Hawaii members can chime in aswell that would be much appreciated!


AKA Jeri-Curl
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Apr 8, 2013
Concord NH
Heres a bit of a checklist answer from your post :

Can they go bad? Yes and no. They can dry out so that you are constantly fighting to get humidity back into the wood and not into the cigars. This can also cause the seal of the lid to shrink and not create a good seal. Only other major go bad is mold growth which if minor can be sanded off with an ultra fine sand paper then for both issues re-seasoned.

Hygrometer : If its analog (mechanical needle) Its not going to be the greatest regardless if accurate or not I would invest in a reputable digital and then test/calibrate that (salt test.. boveda calibration kit which ever your more comfortable with)

Temp probe : Most desktops do not have one and since the only way to control the temp of it is the room that its in.. well thats the temp. You can keep a collection without temp control for years and never have an issue but from some horror stories alot of people take precautions. Since your just starting I wouldnt worry to much about it now just keep an eye on things for beetle sign (holes in the cigars, beetles... not sure other tell tale signs) and weigh your options when you start to keep more and more money in your collection.

Humidor pads : Green foam? Gel pads? Little more detail here would be good but these are the things that fail with far less age than the humidor itself. As you are in a more humid climate I would do some homework into two way humity control (boveda, beads, litter) so that you have the ability to raise or lower RH as needed.

getting flamed : Wrong forum if you like that kind of thing haha the crowd around here keeps it pretty civil so dont worry about asking.

Im sure Im forgetting something so someone else Im sure will chime in along with the Hawaii crowd with what works the best for them.
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Jun 18, 2013
Madison, WI
you can also try to jump start the cedar if it seems extremely dry by seasoning it again - especially if it hasn't been used in a while. Just take some 50/50 solution and a clean sponge or cloth and LIGHTLY wipe down the inside of humidor, close the top and let sit for 24 hours (with the cigars or anything else inside). After 24 hours you can check it out and put the cigars and humidifiers back in.

if you are in Hawaii then you may have too much humidity and too high a temp (unlike Wisconsin where we have snow 10 months of the year).

if you think you have beetles (I hope not) - put the cigars in a Ziploc baggie and freeze them for 3 days and then take them out of the freezer and leave at room temp (in the Ziploc baggie). Put your humidor in the refrigerator for 48 hours (with the lid open). This should kill the damn things.

I use the green pad humidifying devices and replace them once a year.

if you are looking for a really good digital hygrometer. Xikar makes one that you calibrate to 70 after the saline test. There is a Calibrate button you push and it automatically calibrates. I found these when looking for a good one to get my brother for Christmas last year (he just got into cigars). I liked it so much I bought one for myself. I know it's sold Corona Cigar sells them (that's where I found them) & I'd assume Xikar sells them also (they have a really good video on the product).
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Aug 29, 2012
Riverside, CA
In HI I would look into one of the humidification methods that absorb humidity as well as release it. Kitty litter, Heartfelt Beads and Boveda will all work this way. That way they can properly maintain your humidity. The green foam product will only release humidity so if it's already too high it will just make it higher.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Alright I'm chiming in here cause I've read everyone's posts.

For seasons the humidor use only distiller water. 50/50 solution for wiping down the inside of the humidor is bad and will cause mold to form inside the humidor. You do not want to soak the wood because if you do you run a very high risk of warping the humidor itself. So wipe down the humidor with a damp lint free unscented clothe or sponge. Then put the sponge and bowl of distiller water inside the humidor and seal it shut.

As for the seal if you let the lid drop shut when the lid makes it down it should make a shud sound and there should be a half second or so delay as the lid closes. If it bangs shut that means that the seal is gone.

I agree with buying a digital hygrometer and calibrating it to make sure that it is at a proper reading the salt test is my preference as it will give you a good 75% reading.

Then humidification methods there are several different approaches as was said. Beads, boveda and kitty litter. They all work perfect and ppl can show you the path on how to do it. Any questions you have we are all more then happy to help you out with.


Sent from my Tapatalk 2 using iPhone. Bahahahaha ass backwards.
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Jun 24, 2013
Kapolei, Hawaii
Okay, looks like my humidor is not a 2008, its a limited edition 2000 ugh... even older than I thought.

So Lid bangs closed with a small wosh of air coming out. I can assume its seal is gone and will require a good seasoning.

I will try to stop by one of the local shops that carry xikar beads, try to control humidity with those instead.

And as for a hygrometer, I'll look into a digital and see what I can find locally!

MOST OF ALL, no signs of beetles!!!!

thanks brothers!
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Jun 3, 2013
Why not just buy a new humidor? If treated right it will last for many many years. Seems a small investment over time.
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Not just any kitty litter though, needs to be the unscented crystal litter. Mimi litter can be had at $4 for 4 lbs.

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