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Surgery went good yesterday!

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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
Hey brothers, I just wanted to spread the good news, I finally had surgery yesterday morning to screw my ankle back together, and it went as planned!! I fell down some stairs and broke it "real good" almost 3 weeks ago. A couple screws in one bone, and a plate with a bunch more screws in the other bone. Stitches come out in 10 days, and I get a cast instead of a dressing, then another 4 weeks and the cast comes off and a walking boot goes on. This is my first broken bone, and man this sucks, lol, but I'm finally on the way to recovery instead of just waiting, I can't wait till I can walk again!
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Feb 19, 2012
That is great news man, I know waiting to get the surgery was driving you crazy. Keep us updated. Need anything...like cigars maybe 😈

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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
Great man, rrst up and do everything you can to heal it up right.

Breaking bones sucks. Broken my elbow twice now, I have most function of it back but can't fully straighten my arm or bend it to touch my shoulder.
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
Thanks guys, this is my first broken bone, so a definite learning experience.

That is great news man, I know waiting to get the surgery was driving you crazy. Keep us updated. Need anything...like cigars maybe 😈

Sent from an NSA proof phone.
I won't turn anything away, but just remember no good deed goes unpunished :headonaswivel:

Great man, rrst up and do everything you can to heal it up right.

Breaking bones sucks. Broken my elbow twice now, I have most function of it back but can't fully straighten my arm or bend it to touch my shoulder.
I can't risk it not healing properly, I've never seen a carpenter that couldn't walk, let alone climb a ladder, lol
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Good to hear it went well brother. Listen to the doctor seriously I've had surgery on my ankle 3 times already and it never seemed right. Take your time it's going to be a pain but it will all be worth it in the end when you can walk again.

Sounds like your off to a good start so keep us posted and if you start getting cabin fever or going stir crazy let it out here we are more then happy to talk you down. Or shoot me a pm cause I definitely know the pain.



RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Glad to hear that you are getting better. Take care and not put too much pressure on it too quickly. Scare tissue can get in there and only repair is to go back in and break it all back apart, scrape it out and reset it.
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Jul 27, 2013
Crystal Lake, IL, USA
Glad to hear surgery went well. I know the feeling. I broke my leg 3 months ago and I just got the all clear from the Doc to go back to work tomorrow. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
I had the stitches pulled out today, it's been 5 1/2 weeks since I'd seen my ankle, it's a little more swollen then I thought it would be, but everything turned out better then good, doc says I'm healing up better then he thought I would. I was supposed to get a hard cast today, but doc said if I promised not to walk on it he would give me the walking boot instead, this walking boot is awesome, I can actually take my leg out of it, cause its like wearing a winter coat around your leg otherwise! It's still gonna be another 4 weeks until I can start putting weight on it again, that is as long as my X-rays show good.