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Photo Ticket Help!


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Nov 10, 2006
West Hills, CA
This is what I am thinking...

Basically it IS a ticket, and the ticket DOES say that I am the one who committed the violation. Since I did not commit the violation, that means the ticket is erroneous, and therefore invalid.
You are correct the ticket against you will be tossed, new one will be issued to your wife then she will have to be the one to fight/pay the ticket. CA is strapped for cash so they are going to get their money one way or another. The $1,000,000 question did your wife run the red or was she trying to beat the yellow?
This actually occurred in a new, weird intersection recently created to accommodate 'bus only roads' as part of a new transit system in LA county. My wife got sort of trapped in an area between these signals, and was stopped there when the camera went off. If inclined, she might be able to fight the ticket, but she really shouldn't have been stopped there to begin with, so...Whatever.


BoM July '10
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Feb 6, 2009
Where players go to play
Brent said it...only reason you are listed is due to being first on the registration. They will drop the case on you if you turn in your wife. Someone will get the ticket. Happens hundreds of times everyday. You don't have a leg to stand on with that one.
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Mar 27, 2010
Spring Valley, AZ
Here in AZ it has something on the back of the ticket if it was not you. I believe you send in a picture of your licsense to prove it is not you. I understand that it is your wife however, they do not know what she looks like. As far as they know you loaned your car to a friend. The ticket is not on the car but the driver. They also here have heard of people not paying the ticket then they send a process server just do not answer the door. I know in Phoenix the took all the cameras done because it was hard to enforce the ticket. Just my two cents.

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Jun 13, 2009
Central Coast, CA
This is what I am thinking...

Basically it IS a ticket, and the ticket DOES say that I am the one who committed the violation. Since I did not commit the violation, that means the ticket is erroneous, and therefore invalid.
You are correct the ticket against you will be tossed, new one will be issued to your wife then she will have to be the one to fight/pay the ticket. CA is strapped for cash so they are going to get their money one way or another. The $1,000,000 question did your wife run the red or was she trying to beat the yellow?
This actually occurred in a new, weird intersection recently created to accommodate 'bus only roads' as part of a new transit system in LA county. My wife got sort of trapped in an area between these signals, and was stopped there when the camera went off. If inclined, she might be able to fight the ticket, but she really shouldn't have been stopped there to begin with, so...Whatever.
sounds like you may have a way out of the ticket, cause she didn't run a red light she's stopped blocking an intersection which i'm pretty sure isn't as high of a fine. You could argue that she had 2 opitions stop in the intersection or cause a traffic accident and she chose to stop, be a long shot but stranger things have happened.


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Mar 20, 2013
San Diego, CA
Having won and fought and lost many tickets, and observed plenty of these photo enforcement tickets in my time in court. You're basically done - though there is one caviat.

Your name and information was on what came in the mail, because you're on the registration and it pulled you rather than the wife - it's all done automatically. Why it chose your name over your wife is irrelevant. If you go into court to challenge it, they will clearly ask if your wife was the one driving or who that person is - you can try and lie that its not your wife, but you shouldn't. Especially since they could easily look up her information as per the DL and registration and hold you liable for lying under oath.

What you could risk doing - and will still probably result in you going to court is you could opt for trial by mail, include a check for the ticket amount as required when doing trial by mail and simply put.

I received this ticket in the mail for this violation. I am not guilty of the crime. This is proven by the fact that I was not the driver of the car. As you can see, my drivers license photo appears entirely different from the photo of the driver in the car sent to me, furthermore - the photograph appears to be that of a woman. I am clearly a man.

Include a copy of the photo provided to you and a copy of your drivers license.

You could get someone lazy that says ok, yup you're not guilty and you win. Odds are you'll still be found guilty and have to go fight it in court or pay the fine. If you lose a trial by mail, you can then fight it in court.

However - save yourself the hassel, pay the fine and move along. With that said, if you go into court - and offer to plead guilty - they will often reduce the charge.


King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
A friend had someone driving his car and they ran a red light in CA. He got the ticket, went to court and clearly it was not him in the photo. The court asked him who it was and he refused to say. A red light ticket is not like a parking ticket. A parking ticket is enforced on the owner of the car as a red light ticket is enforced to the person commiting the infraction and will show on insurance, etc. You can easily go to court and fight this if the ticket was issued to you. They would have no choice but to drop the case against you because you obviously did not commit the infraction. It is up to you then to either tell them who did it or refuse to. If you refuse I do not know what recourse, if any, they have to force you to rat someone out. Basically you are bein accused of a crime/infraction you did not commit and you have the evidence on your side. It should be pretty easy to get the case against you thrown out.