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Ever heard of Scarification? (SLIGHTLY graphic, REALLY cool)

King Kill 33

BoM Dec '13
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Feb 19, 2013
Minot, ND
If and when I meet the Great Bryan Strand on his home turf, I will get my 1st tattoo. Now to convince the wife we need a vacation to Boiling Springs.

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Aug 14, 2013
Lafayette, In,
I have tattoos because that is the way I chose to express myself. If some one I know asks me about their meaning I am more then happy to tell them. The annoyance comes in when people I don't know want to spend hours discussing their interpretation of my meaning. Or their confusion of "how could I do that to myself." I know some people get tattoos as a way to spark a conversation or look cool, I guess I'm just not one of them...
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
all of the art i have so far is easily covered by a t shirt, i did this for 2 reasons, (1) im a carpenter, and i have seen time and time again, that there are people that will "judge the book by the cover" and go with a more "professional" looking tradesman, (2) my tats have deep meaning to me, they mark times in my life that i am not necessarily willing to share with strangers. i am proud of my ink though, and i have a plan in the works for a "pant leg" in the near future to be done by a good friend of mine, Mike the Freak.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I'm all for tats and the personal pride and meaning that come along with them.
First- Your skin is your largest organ of the body. Why try to remove layers of it and risk some type of serious injury?
Second- I'm pretty sure this is still America. Where some type of personal freedom still reigns. BUT PERSONALLY I'D RATHER SLAM MY DICK IN A DOOR!
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Mar 28, 2013
Just Relocated Podunk USA
I assume you don't have any tats and maybe are against them Griz?
I do not have any tats, but I do think they are cool. heck if I didnt spend all my "extra" money on guns, ammo and cigars I may have one. All the art I invest in can be handed down to my kids when that time comes. But when it comes to intentionally cutting away part of ones body...... shut up Griz:)
I may even opt for the dick in the door.... doubtful. but then again, there would be swelling
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Jul 14, 2012
Manchester, NH
To each his own, but I really hope this trend doesn't catch on.
I don't know if its necessarily a trend, I personally don't know anyone else with this done.

Hey guys! Some people just don't want body art! It's all subjective, just like the one thing that brings us all here in the first place.

I know people that smoke at LEAST four LFD Digger Maduros a day... At that point I'd rather slam MY dick in a door