Three things you should avoid having in your car when driving through a field sobriety checkpoint.
1. Beer, especially in your cup holders even if its not open (where else would I put two single bottles?!)
2. A gun in your car (I carry one for the same reason they do, to protect myself)
3. An automatic opening pocket knife you were issued by the military around 10 years ago (I use it at work)
With out the first one I probably wouldn't have had to get out of the car because I didn't have any beer before driving home from work. With out number two the field test would have been less nerve racking for me because they were freaked out that I had a license to carry a concealed firearm with a firearm in my vehicle. Then number three just had me worried because I know I'm not technically supposed to have it, but the cop didn't look at it closely to realize it was an auto.
Now I'm drinking a beer to calm my nerves a bit. I got all worked up because I know how over blown some cops can make situations especially when someone has a gun.....sheesh what a stupid night. The field sobriety check point is driving me to drink. Couple firsts in my life tonight though. That was my first field sobriety check point. It was my first field sobriety test, on a slanted parking lot no less! First time I got to play the breathalizer game too and I think I won, maybe lost not sure about this breathalizer game. At least I wasn't a contestant in the "lets get this man a blood alcohol test" game. That was the first time cops got all worked up because I had a gun on me. Also the first time a cop thought he smelled beer on my breath when it was in fact a Weaver's beef snack stick with cheddar cheese. I'm not sure what he was smelling but it wasn't beer. :scratchhe I will just assume that having beer in the car made them want to check me out.
1. Beer, especially in your cup holders even if its not open (where else would I put two single bottles?!)
2. A gun in your car (I carry one for the same reason they do, to protect myself)
3. An automatic opening pocket knife you were issued by the military around 10 years ago (I use it at work)
With out the first one I probably wouldn't have had to get out of the car because I didn't have any beer before driving home from work. With out number two the field test would have been less nerve racking for me because they were freaked out that I had a license to carry a concealed firearm with a firearm in my vehicle. Then number three just had me worried because I know I'm not technically supposed to have it, but the cop didn't look at it closely to realize it was an auto.
Now I'm drinking a beer to calm my nerves a bit. I got all worked up because I know how over blown some cops can make situations especially when someone has a gun.....sheesh what a stupid night. The field sobriety check point is driving me to drink. Couple firsts in my life tonight though. That was my first field sobriety check point. It was my first field sobriety test, on a slanted parking lot no less! First time I got to play the breathalizer game too and I think I won, maybe lost not sure about this breathalizer game. At least I wasn't a contestant in the "lets get this man a blood alcohol test" game. That was the first time cops got all worked up because I had a gun on me. Also the first time a cop thought he smelled beer on my breath when it was in fact a Weaver's beef snack stick with cheddar cheese. I'm not sure what he was smelling but it wasn't beer. :scratchhe I will just assume that having beer in the car made them want to check me out.