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BOTL Nostalgia?


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Does anybody have some particularly fond memories of persons or threads here?

I'm sure most of us have been hit particularly hard with bombs that you'll never forget. Is there anything else?

I'm continually drawn back to Shuckins' threads. I was lucky enough to be around in fall of 2010 when the Review sections were flooded with his wonderful reviews. I still re-read them every few months. I'm actually doing it now, which inspired me for this thread. If there's anything to make me want to drop everything I'm doing and go out for a smoke... these are it.
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BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
I actually post something like this once a year on my anny date. A, who I've met what I've done and where I've went. Thru all my hard times this place has been a part of my life I'll never forget. Not as active as I used to be. But the people here I'll never forget.
Lets see.
-Hanging out with the guys daily at the Burning Leaf and Casa. For a few years it was magical and I wish I could of bottled it.
-The guys ordering a Flying pig and Dirty Rat cakes for JD 40th Bday even before this was a Brother of the Liga Board.
-Flying to Nica with a group from here with PJ, JG and Janny. All paid for by PJ.
-Smoking and drinking with E for the first time (and the gang) and it was snowing at the Burning Leaf for the first time of the season.
-Watching E rap. Tat Drac don't ya come back on live chat.
-Hanging out at the MI Herf watching Todd talk about all the weeks "Morning Wood" while he threw it into the fire.
-Co Hosting the Chi Herf with Rich and just seeing the 40 plus smiles on everyone's faces.
-Getting the Cohiba cake for Trev and Clifffor their bdays at the same Herf. With real Cohibas robustos and sig VI on it.
-Traveling to the NY Herf and getting to hang with my Blaw for 2 days in Manhattan. Then carrying around a case of 3Fs beer just to bring it to the Herf.
-the Herfs at 3Fs DLD. Watching W.B. get Zombie Dusted.
-Being bombed BBE 1. And bombing myself.
-Watching MTHHURLEY being bombed the Padron 40 humidor and contents for his 40 bday.
-Being DJ Fire in the chat room for a couple years
-Hanging at the MS Herf last year on that lake. That location and those cabins will always have a place in my heart!
Being part of this board has changed my life.
I'll try to add a few pics. And may even add a few more
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Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
Most of my fondest memories are jabbering with brothers on PM or live chat. The event in Chicago was freaking crazy as hell. I was a tad scared and intimidated because all my threats of debauchery did work quite a few people up. It was one of the most memorable moments I can recall. I wish I could afford to make it out to this years event.
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Oct 5, 2009
Shuckins and zilla were the first senders of a bomb to me and holy shit it was a big one.

Rons pirate themed bombing run on the uk cigar forum - mass devastation.

My friend ciggy, got talking in chat 3 1/2 years ago and still bombing the crap out of each other. I've never met him or spoken to him which shows what a great hobby this is !

Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk 2


BoM May '11
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215   0   0
Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
I've made some life long friends on the board and had some great experiences. My first Cigar Event, casino herfs, golf games, BoM weekend in Chi-town, hanging with the board at Casa De Montecristo and on and on....
Being a member of the brotherhood has made me a better person, and I hope I can do my part in some way to give back.

I miss some of the guys who used to frequent the board/chatroom when I first came around, including but not limited to TommyGunz, iCraig (aka centexhockey), SkinsFanLarry, RyJ Smoker among many others. I wish the chat room was utilized more. It used to be awesome to pop in there and see 6-8 guys virtually herfing away.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Funk it. We gotta bring back chat.

I plan to post up tonight after 8pm Pacific. I have some maps to make for school and can do that while chattin'

Come by.


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Shuckins had a lot to do with me getting on board here. Great guy and always willing to help you out. Plus factor goes to the incredible friends I've made along the way...and the knowledge shared.
If I can do it I'll meet you in there Sean...getting ready to make a trip across the state tomorrow so we have to pack up tonight...if I don't get lazy by then. lol


BoM July '13
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84   0   0
Jan 3, 2010
My friend ciggy, got talking in chat 3 1/2 years ago and still bombing the crap out of each other. I've never met him or spoken to him which shows what a great hobby this is !
Tom is a class act brother. Thanks for reminding me I haven't blown up his yard in a while.
I've made some life long friends on the board and had some great experiences. My first Cigar Event, casino herfs, golf games, BoM weekend in Chi-town, hanging with the board at Casa De Montecristo and on and on....
Being a member of the brotherhood has made me a better person, and I hope I can do my part in some way to give back.

I miss some of the guys who used to frequent the board/chatroom when I first came around, including but not limited to TommyGunz, iCraig (aka centexhockey), SkinsFanLarry, RyJ Smoker among many others. I wish the chat room was utilized more. It used to be awesome to pop in there and see 6-8 guys virtually herfing away.
Great thread! and a bunch of familiar names... I miss seeing them around here.
what ever happened to shuckins
I'm assuming, like most, he just started logging in less and less - and eventually stopped. I only know of one person who had a definitive "I'm outta here" moment... but it's possible others did the same and I never noticed.

Funk it. We gotta bring back chat.
Yesssssss. Chat used to be awesome.

I remember MattBell was ALWAYS in there when I first joined. Usually doing something rather odd and hilarious.