Well this debate is probably one of those that is more of a political debate. I don't see a problem with the police doing there job but in my eyes they shouldn't have been looking in his car in the first place.
Yes, if he was pulled over for an infraction and they saw he had unopened beer in the cup holder than I believe he should of been checked. Being stopped for no reason and being questioned and checked is ridiculous in my eyes. I have been through proper checkpoints. The police in my town do not stop you they just park on the side of the road in town and get a look at you at the stop light. At the most you might get a flashlight pointed at your car. This to me is more of a reasonable checkpoint.
I am more of a libertarian though so that may be why I believe these things. As far as having a degree in law to figure out my rights. This is Murica, I shouldn't need a degree to know whether I have a right or not. Its not supposed to be blurred to the point where it's confusing. I do understand though what you guys are saying.
Long live Carlin!!!!